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Weekly Update - 1st Feb to 7th Feb 2016


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Shipment at Marine life 

Lyre-tail Anthias

Blue-green Chromis - Large, medium, small. nano sizes

Springer's Damselfish

Coral Beauty Angelfish

Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse

Dusky Wrasse

Melanurus Wrasse

Six-lined Wrasse

Green Multicolored Wrasse

Randall's Goby

Wheeler's Prawn Goby

Yellow Watchman Goby

Firefish Goby

Lagoon Goby w/ Alpheus

Mandarin Fish Pair

Fingered Dragonet

Yellow Shoulder Surgeonfish

Yellow Bristletooth Surgeonfish

Striped Bristletooth Surgeonfish

Ocellaris clownfish

Pink skunk  clownfish

Saddleback clownfish

Maroon clownfish  w/symbiotic anemone

Blue Throat Trigger

Spiny Astrea Snail

Fenestrate Snails

Tiger Pistol Shrimp

Fine-striped Pistol Shrimp

Anemone Porcelaincrab

Venus Clapping Shrimp

Tube Anemone (Orange

Bubble Anemone

Purple Leathery Anemone

Hemprichs Anemone

Ricordea Yuma Green/violet

Green Star polyps

Blue Starfish

Cuming's Starfish

Red Whirl Algae

Caulerpa Serrulata

Flourescent Dictyota Algae

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Aquamarin Australia shipment just landed today ;

more photos can be found on their thread here ;


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