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AchiIles tang care

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thinking of getting a achilles tang , not sure if my tank is ready yet, never really added any hard to keep fishes. should i test with a pbt first? 

tank stock list

emperor angel

yellow tang

2 blue tangs 

2 saddleback clowns

1 black snowflake clown

one jewel wrasse

one melanurus wrasse

flame angel

keyhole angel

one bowtie damsel(have been trying to catch this guy)


corals are all sps with a few softies that encrusted on the rocks when i had a mixed reef

fishes are all fat and doing very well

only keyhole angel doesnt eat, but pecks on rocks, still rather fat

tank is a 4x2x2, all the fishes have a good space to swim

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your existing tang in your tank might try to find trouble when you add your new AT.

You could also try isolate it in a box or via a tank divider until the new fish stabilize and the old fish get used to the new addition.

You might also want to watch out the issue which like all tang family, AT is an ich magnet so better to QT it properly when buying from lfs or buy from reefer from established tank setup.

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your existing tang in your tank might try to find trouble when you add your new AT.


You could also try isolate it in a box or via a tank divider until the new fish stabilize and the old fish get used to the new addition.


You might also want to watch out the issue which like all tang family, AT is an ich magnet so better to QT it properly when buying from lfs or buy from reefer from established tank setup.


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for the qt, how do you recommend i set it up? havent done it before , as most of my fishes havent been very hard to keep

my only worry is that the achillies tang would not be able survive in a makeshift system

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Ideally it should be a complete system with wave maker and filteration ect.. but I know it can be challenging to have those for most of us.

What I did previously was QT the fish in a large blue Square tube with air stone and some filter media and doing a water change every few day. I also added small amount of Seachem copper to speed up the QT process.

After the QT period, I will add the fish in a tank divided section , where I will observe for any fish aggression and any ich outbreak.

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Ideally it should be a complete system with wave maker and filteration ect.. but I know it can be challenging to have those for most of us.

What I did previously was QT the fish in a large blue Square tube with air stone and some filter media and doing a water change every few day. I also added small amount of Seachem copper to speed up the QT process.

After the QT period, I will add the fish in a tank divided section , where I will observe for any fish aggression and any ich outbreak.

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  • 2 weeks later...
sharing my experience in keeping AT, hope others can chip in too
1) wide swimming space, best >4 feet
2) strong waves, AT loves to swim against the wavemaker
3) due to 1 & 2, AT is always hungry, therefore required regular feeding
best 6-8 small feeding through out the day or a small red bamboo for them to graze
4) unless your tank is ich free, try not to keep another ich prone fish
eg PBT, else very difficult to control when there's an outbreak
everytime i add in a fish, any fish, there's an ich outbreak
that is why i seldom add fish
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