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A question on yuma

Jason Ng

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  • SRC Member

Hi senior reefer

Not sure why but can't seem to keep my yuma well n growth. All my other softies are growing well. I have green hairy mushroom, purple mushroom, hammer, some zoas etc. All growing very well except for the yuma. So far two frag of pink yuma have melted. Left one yellow not growing n another orange seem to be melting.

My tank is a 2ftx20"x2ft tank with sump. I'm using maxspect razor for lighting.

Not dosing any supplement previously n recently start to dose revoreef coral growth for a week now but still no improvement.

Appreciate your advice and suggestion or reason for the yuma not growing.

Thanks a million

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Not a senior reefer here, but i try to help :)

Next time you buy Yuma try to put it in the bottom shaded area of the tank & slowly move it up ..so it gets used to the light..

Yuma require moderate light & current...too strong & it might melt, too strong current & it will detach itself for the rock. So its important to give it the right conditions.

So far I have no problems with Yuma Ricordea & Yuma Florida I find it difficult to keep too.


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Thanks sanjay for your reply.

My yuma is placed at the bottom of the tank with slow current but it still doesn't growth n even melt

What about their tolerance on nitrates? Just realise my nitrate is high, about 80-100

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Red Yuma is the TOP melter. It is different from green, orange, yellow etc. Also there are different type of red. Some type of red is more prone to melting then the others. This is also the same in other countries.

As a previous Reefer have said, light acclimatisation is a big key. However, it does not solve all the problem. Yuma is also affected by some kind of 'virus' and once affected, survival chance is very very Low.

I also see that you mentioned you do not see growth in Yuma. Unfortunately, Yuma does not really grow in a short time. And it rare that it will split. It is definitely possible for it to multiple, just take up to years for it to multiple in tank (if it survive that long). Especially the red or pink one.

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