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Hyposalinity advice

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  • SRC Member

Hi all, recently acquired a 6 line wrasse and discovered some shiny white spots on it while in Qt. Suspecting ich, I did some reading up and transferred it to a small tank with some containers for hiding and slowly lowered salinity to 1.009 as recommended online. I did it via slow drip over 5 days. In between, I sucked up the mucus it produces and also changed 10% water. Here's some pics



However, I'm starting to worry because the fish is obviously stressed because of the new environment and hasn't been eating. I'm worried it might starve to death before treatment is complete. Any advice from bros here please? Am I doing something wrong? I'm following guidelines I found online so I'm worried info may not be very accurate. Thanks a bunch!

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If you are able to catch out the fish to treat in a hospital tank like you did, actually the fastest and most effective way is to treat with copper.

From my personally experience, not all fish can withstand the stress from hyposalinity treatment especially small fishes. I would suggest maybe bring back the salinity up to 1.018 and observe if it get better.

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  • SRC Member

Thanks for the advice bro. Should have tried copper instead. The wrasse suddenly pengsan today. Did a water change and hoping for the best. I can't risk raising salinity now. He's alive but can't seem to stay upright. Sigh


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If u were to ever QT next time, keep a watch on your ammonia also. I dont see any filtration in that tank. Adding one or two ceramic rings from your main tank would hv helped compared to nothing. If not, changing more water would also be okay. 

For dropping your salinity, as much as the guides you read were not wrong, a fish can tolerate a salinity drop quite well. But when u raise salinity that's where its a little slower. Perhaps next time, when you do a WC for the qt, you change it with water of lower salinity. Much easier and faster than dripping.

You mentioned mucus and shiny. I would guess it was velvet if it gives u some closure.

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Thanks for the advice. I was doing daily water change but I suspect it probably wasn't enough. On hindsight I should have just kick-started a bio filter for the hospital tank with some bottled bacteria and media and not just relied on water changes. I'm kicking myself because I have a QT tank, just that I didn't use it as I wanted to do the hyposalinity treatment separately. Zzz wrong decision, it might have been better to just copper the QT tank instead

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