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Weekly Update - 04th Jan to 10th Jan 2016

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Philippine Scott fairy wrasse spotted at t95, also 3 alpha male katoi wrasse. 

Tank : 4 X 2 X 2 with low iron front panel and external overflow

Skimmer : BK SM200 with waste collector

Return Pumps : Red Dragon 6m3 and Ehiem 1262

FR : 2 X Deltec 509 & powered by AB2000

Nitrate Filter : Deltec NF 509 and tee off from AB2000

Calcium R'tor : Deltec PF 501 with RM secondary chamber

Kalkwasser R'tor : Deltec KM500

Chiller : Pansonic 1 HP Compressor with 20m titanium Coil

Wave Makers : 4 X Tunze 6055 with 7096 & Vortec MP40w

Controller : GHL Profilux

Lighting : ATI Powermodule 10 or 8 tubes

Water Top-up : Water Top-Up tank powered by Tunze Osmolator

External Monitor : American Pinpoint pH and Temp. Monitor for main tank and GHL Profilux Controller to measure temp, pH, Redox

Ozonizer : Sander C50

UV : Corallife 6x

Algae Scrubbler

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TFC: Bell flasher, johnsoni, a pair of flame wrasse, many good sized yellow tangs and ATs still available.

Tank Size: 3.5 ft x 2 ft x 2 ft
Sump: 3ft x 1.5ft x 1.5ft”
Return Pump: Eheim 1264
Chiller Pump: H2Ocean Flow Pump 3000
Skimmer: Vertex Alpha 200
Wavemakers: 2 X Maxspect Gyre 130; 1 x Ecotech VorTech MP10WES, 1 x Ecotech VorTech MP40WES, 1x Jebao RW15
Filtration: Schuran Multifilter 100 (Rowa Phos), Two Little Fishies Phosban 150 Fluidised Reactor (Vertex Rox 0.8 Carbon), Enductor Fluidized Reactor- FR45 (NP Biopellets & All In One Biopellets) with Eden 140 Pump, Santa Monica Hogx1 Algae Turf Scrubber, Cheato
Calcium Reactor: Skimz CM152 with needle valve and Maxijet 600 feed Pump (CaribSea ARM Extra Coarse ,KZ Coral Gravel, Two Little Fishies Reborn, Grotech Magnesium Pro)
Dosing: Bubble Magnus Dosing Pump BM-T01 + 2 x 4 Head Expansion Accessory BM-T02
Bio Media: Marine Pure, Bacteria King, Eheim Substrat Pro, Eheim Substrat, Seachem DeNitrate, PowerHouse Hard, Polyplab Biosphere, Seachem Purigen

Chiller: JBJ Arctica Titanium Aquarium Chiller (1/3 Hp - DBE-150)
Lighting: ATI Powermodule 6 x 39 Watt T5. Solite 4 x 39 Watt T5 (Only 2 used) (Blue+ Blue+ Coral+ Purple+ Coral+ AB Special) (Blue+ Purple+)
Auto Top Up system: Tunze Osmolator Universal 3155 Auto Top Off
Monitoring: 2 x Milwaukee MC 122 PH Controller (Calcium Reactor & PH Monitoring)

Substrate: CaribSea Aragamax Select


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any updates CF, LCK201?

Teh'sTankSetup Decomm on 18/8/2012

Tank: 2x1x1 Rimless Tank (Sumpless)

Lighting: Aquazonic 2x24watts T5 (Actinic x Sun White)

Moonlight: Acardia 1W Led Light (Blue)

Filter: ISTA Max Care Cannister

Skimmer: Bubble Magus E3

Chiller: Resun CL450 (Aquazonic Evo Pump)

Wave: Boyu WM-25

Commissioned 20/9/2012

Tank: 3x2x2.5

Lighting: 250w DeLighting MH/ 2x 39w Delighting Diy T5 ATI Blue Plus

Skimmer: H&S Skimmer Type 110-F2000

Chiller: CL450 (Aquazonic Evo Pump)

Return Pump: Eheim 1260

Reactor: D&D H2Ocean FMR 75 (ADA 1500 Pump)(Rowaphos)

Wavemaker: 2x SunSun Wavemaker (3000L)


Conch ll Basic

ATO System/Tunze Osmolator

Magic Marine 3CH Dosing Pump

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Australia shipment arrived Iwarna.

Acanthastrea lordhowensis (tiny to xl sizes) , Duncan,  alveopora, green branching goniopora, red goniopora, green toadstool, green sinularia, lineatus wrasse, ventralis anthias, luzonichthys seaver, cypho purpurascens pair.

Always something more important than fish.


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Australia shipment arrived Iwarna.

Acanthastrea lordhowensis (tiny to xl sizes) , Duncan,  alveopora, green branching goniopora, red goniopora, green toadstool, green sinularia, lineatus wrasse, ventralis anthias, luzonichthys seaver, cypho purpurascens pair.

Also chromis nitida and harlequin tuskfish 

Always something more important than fish.


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Arrival noon @ Iwarna: Powder brown tang, coral beauty, blue spotted grouper, square anthias, orange lined bristletooth tang, adult orange shoulder tang, bicolor angels, heraldi angel, snowflake eels, randall anthias female, pseudanthias flavoguttatus, etc.

Always something more important than fish.


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Im not sure which photo u referring to... third pic is acans...

Buy fish that excite YOU, and respect others' passions.

Yes, we know, there's a cheaper and prettier fish than the one were talking about. - John Coppolino

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Oh  I mean the third fish picture.


Oh, you mean the ones with the pvc pipe? Those are ventralis anthias...

Buy fish that excite YOU, and respect others' passions.

Yes, we know, there's a cheaper and prettier fish than the one were talking about. - John Coppolino

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Philippines shipment (08/01/2016)

Common Name Scientific Name Size

Queen Angel Chaetodontoplus Mesoleocus M
Yellow Longnose Butterfly Forcifiger Flavissimus M
Red Checkered But. Chaetodon Xanthuros M
Falcula Butterfly Chaetodon Falcula S
Gregory Damsel Parma Microlipes 
Jewel Damsel Paragluphidodon Lacrymatus 
Neon Blue Damsel Pomacentrus Springeri 
Flame goby Nemateleotris Decora M
Firefish goby Nemateleotris magnifica M
Bumble bee snail Pusiostoma engina 
Crown shell Charonia tritones 
Firefish goby Nemateleotris magnifica M
Turbo snail Tenctus fenestratus 
Money plant Epipremnum aureum 
Red Scooter blenny Synchiropus Papilio 
Bar goby Ptereleotris Zebra 
Ordinary sea slug Glosodoris Striata 
African Clown Amphiprion Clarkii 
Tiger sea cucumber Holothuria thomasi 
Blue starfish Linkia Laevigata 
Red Marble Starfish Ophidiaster Fromia 
Percula Clown Amhiprion Occelaris M
Running Crab Percmon gibbessi 
Stripe Cardinal Apogon Compressus 
Chocolate starfish Asterina Gibbosa 
Percula Clown Amhiprion Occelaris L
Tomato Clown Amphi prion Frenatus L
Feather duster-red Tubastrea Aurea 
Feather duster-yellow Tubastrea Aurea 
Feather duster-yellow red Tubastrea Aurea 
Spotfin anthias Anthias Squampinis 
Spotfin anthias Anthias Squampinis 
Pink Anthias Anthias Squamipmnis 
Katoi Fairy wrase Cirrhilabrus katoi 
Katherines wrasse Cirrhilabrus katherine 
Yellow box fish Ostracion Cubicus S
Red wrasse-Adult Coris Gaimard Africana L
Convict tang Convect Surgeonfish S
Brown tang Zebrasuma scopas L
Pinktail triggerfish Melichthys Vidua L
Pinnatus Bat Fish Platax Pinnatus M
Coral Beauty Angel Centropyge Bispinosos M
Green tang M
Green tang L
Orange Shoulder tang Acanthurus Olivaceous M
Convict tang Convect Surgeonfish M
Brown tang Zebrasuma scopas M
Yellow Tang Acanthurus Pyroferus M
Yellow Tang Acanthurus Pyroferus L
Powderbrown tang Acanthurus Japonicus L
Yellow Shoulder Tang Acanthurus Olivaceous M
Blueface trigger-Male Xanthichtys Auromarqinatus M
Blueface trigger-Female Xanthichtys Auromarqinatus M
Coral Beauty Angel Centropyge Bispinosos S
Powderbrown tang Acanthurus Japonicus M
Colored Angler Fish-Red Antennarius Hispidus M
Queen trigger Odonus Niger M
Saddleback Butterfly Chaetodon Ehippium S
Lipstick tang Naso Literatus L
Sailfin tang Zebrasuma Veliferus
Red parrot Cirrhilabrus Rubripiinis 
Red & Blue parrot Paracheilinus specie 
Lemon Damsel Amblyglyphidodon Termatensis 
Three Stripes Damsel Dascyllus Aruanus 
Yellow wrasse Halichoeres Chrysus 
Stripe Cardinal Apogon Compressus 
Yellow Damsel Pomacentrus Pikei 
Lipstick tang Naso Literatus XL
Spider crab Meirephys oncinupus 
Three Stripes Damsel Dascyllus Aruanus 
Clown Triggerfish Balistoides Conpicillum XL
Tomato Clown Amphi prion Frenatus S
Gregory Damsel Parma Microlipes 
Lemon Damsel Amblyglyphidodon Termatensis 
Clown Triggerfish Balistoides Conpicillum XXL
Lemon Damsel Amblyglyphidodon Termatensis 
Banded Shark Chiloscyllium Punctatum M
Coral Beauty Angel Centropyge Bispinosos M
Yellow Angel Centropyge Heraldi M
Oriole Angel Centropyge Bicolor M
Bellus Angel-yellow (F) Genicanthus Bellus M
Regal Angel Pygollitis Diacanthus M
Bellus Angel-blue (M) Genicanthus Bellus M
Bellus Angel-blue (M) Genicanthus Bellus S
Mask Swallow Angel (F) Genicanthus Semifaciatus L
Mask Swallow Angel (F) Genicanthus Semifaciatus M
Mask Swallow Angel (F) Genicanthus Semifaciatus S
Jap.Swallow Angel Genicanthus Melanospilos M
Punctato Butterfly Chaetodon Punctatofasciatus M
Orna Butterfly Chaetodon Ornattissimus M
Moorish idol Zanclus cornutus M
Saddleback Butterfly Chaetodon Ehippium M

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