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missing fish


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Hi fellow reefers, season greetings.

I am a beginner for reef fishes and am keeping a 55 gallons FOWLR (Oct 2015) with:

1) 12kg of live rock (3months)

2) 1 Maroon clown fish (2months)

3) 1 yellow tang, 1 sailfin tang (2months)

4) 1 red corris wrasse, 1 fairy wrasse (1month)

5) 1 Maldivian watchman goby, 1 diamond back goby (1 week)

6) 1 hermit crab for cleaning (3months)

I have yet to see my maldivian watchman goby and am wondering if it might be dead or just hiding. Should I be worried or try and lift all my rocks to see if it is alive? I personally do not like the idea of moving my live rocks. When I feed mysis, it doesnt appeal either. So far I have spotted it twice only on the first 2 days.

What should I do?

Marine Enthusiast 

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Welcome to SRC. I would suggest just keep a look out.for it for a.fee more days as new fish need time to settle down on their new home as well.

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An update on the tank,

Maldivian goby is still missing. My diamond back goby jumped out of the tank, probably chased by one of the tank mates.

Added 3 new additions:

1. Royal Gamma

2. 6 line wrasse, my red corris has been at it once in a while

3. Algae blenny

Hope to see the maldivian goby soon. :(

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Ah, I have found my maldivian goby. However it jumped out of my tank and died. Finding it kinda strange, as both my gobies did that, including my diamond back. 

Any particular reasons why both gobies jumped?

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Gobies are naturally more jumpy than other fish and any aggressive fish will push them too far. I'm guessing it's your wrasse or your clown chasing them. I had 2 watchmen Gobies jump from all the way from the sandbed to out of a 1.5 foot tall tank because my damsel was chasing them. Don't forget that clowns are a type of damsel too

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Forgot to add, they were in my office tank so I literally saw them jump out, had to put them back a few times. In the end 1 died of stress while the other became dried ikan bilis even when I put a cover... It jumped out of a small gap and onto the cover itself... Never had gobies again until I swopped the damsel for a clown. Now I have 2 red candy cane gobies in the same tank, they don't jump because I put one huge rock in between them and the clown. The clown stays on the left side, hosting an elegance coral while the gobies hide at the bottom of the right side. So far so good, no ikan bilis cases after 2 weeks

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Ah I see. That explains it. The fishes in my tank can be abit mean...especially my sailfin and yellow tang. There are days when they get along well and some when they chase each other.

I was worried if it was a hitch hiker. Gave up catching mantis shrimp. After catching 3, I hear clicking sounds again. But the others seem to be doing well.

Heres a pic of my tank.



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Nice tank bro. I also have clicking sounds but it's pistol shrimp hiding in the sand instead of the rock. Maybe try stirring up suspected areas of the sand bed? But probably not too much in case of messing up nitrate levels

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