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How to raise calcium level

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  • SRC Member

Why you guys so farnie one.. :D

Ok I offer my unwanted newbie advice...heh heh..

why don't you think of water change over next 2-3 days? You guys using synthetic salts? Those freshly made should already be in proportion right? Why not make a batch and test that, if it's ok, why not change the water, then you should have less to top up using the Mg additive right? But water change would be quite large lor..so be prepared for back breaking work? :whistle

How's that sound? Junior doctor pass exam? :P


*looks around nervously*

*ducks back under cover*

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Hi Norman

Think you added too much calcoum chloride type of additive to increase calcium.

Would advise you to change the water than add magnesium.

After changing the magnesium level should be back to normal.

Calcium level can only be raise slowly over a period of time.

Too much too fast will cause Calcium and magnesium to precipitate.

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  • SRC Member

Hello guys,

Looks like the only option now is to do massive water change. But i do not have such a big container to mix new salt water. Maybe go n borrow from LFS. Thanks for the advices. :bow:

which mag test kit did u get? thanks.

Is Sera test kit.

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  • SRC Member

Thank u Morgan & Dodo, for the infor about water change. I only get to read it today as I was oversea since sunday.It's very informative n especially helpful for my case. :bow:

Due to the inconvinence of having to prepare large amount of salt water (don't have such a big container), I have decided to purchase natural seawater from LFS, they will come to my house to perform the water change. The best thing is it's also not very expensive, consider the amount of salt i need to perform such a big water change.

Now my question is what is the max amount water I can change at one go without causing too much stress on the live stocks? Is 75% too much? I plan to change 75% of the water, and then balance up the rest of magnesium short-for with seachem magnesium which i bought. Please advice.

Thank u.

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  • SRC Member

There will always be stress if you are going to add the water straight into the tank. The seawater might be of different temperature, salinity of pH. You won't get a chance to test and balance it before it goes in. The only way is to dump it in then test and correct the differences.


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  • SRC Member

Just to keep u guys update after 60% water change with natural sea water. calium 340(still low), magnesium 900(still low, was 720 b/4 change), kh drop to 7, ph still 8.1. To summarise, one word: SIAN AH :cry2:

Today went to buy 3 packets of Epsom Salt, gonna throw one packet in tonight to see some results. Praying hard... :bow::bow:

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  • SRC Member

Maybe the calcium level in Singapore sea water might be lower than average. It looks like at this stage, topping up with kalkwasser will bring the calcium and alk back in line along with adding magnesium.


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  • SRC Member

Lastest update... good news, at last.

Magnesium level now at 1250...after 2n2/3 packets of epsom salt in 3 days. One thing to note for those who want to use epsom salt, it will increase saltnilty, need to adjust accordingly.

Calcium at 400... daily dosing of kalkwasser (1 litre each day) and 2 x 3 teaspoons of tubo calcium.

The only smaller problem now is ph(8.1 to 8.2) n alk(8 to 9), it seems to me that it is quite difficult to increase their levels by using seachem reef buffer, added 3 x 3 teaspoons so far but failed to see result. Is there anything more effective than seachem reef buffer? :blink:

Overall, happy with the result, wish to thank Tanzy for pointing out low magnesium, also Morgan for the article on epsom salt and all the good advices from others :bow:

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  • SRC Member

No sweat.

Seachem Reef Builder will be more effective at increasing alk.

All the best.


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