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Cloudy Water during Cycling

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Thanks for the advice bro :) and sorry for these questions

Any fishes or clean-up crew to recommend for a 2.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 FT tank to counter the algae issue in due course?

And for my refugium, would you recommend any livestock inside?

My plan is to have a pair of clowns and 1 more fish (not decided yet). And this is when everything is fine and dandy!

For my 3.5 ft, I have 1 tuxedo urchin, 3 turbo snails and probably around 10 or more nassarius snail. I have 1 turbo snails in my refugium as I on the light in the refugium from 11.30pm to 7am daily. 1 urchin should be enough as previously, my urchin eat into my silicon at the corners of my tank. 3 turbo snails is good enough to clean up my rocks and glass as I want to make sure they do not starve to death if there are not enough algae. The nassarius will usually come out when I feed mysis shrimp and they will usually roam when the lights are out. I have 1 coral banded shrimp in my refugium as he ate my purple firefish, lol.

Tank: 3.5ft x 2ft x 1.5ft, 12mm

Sump: 3ft

Skimmer: Bubble Magus Curve 7

Lightings: Maxspect 15000k

Return Pump: Eheim 1252

Wavemaker: Jebao WP25, Jebao RW-8

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For my 3.5 ft, I have 1 tuxedo urchin, 3 turbo snails and probably around 10 or more nassarius snail. I have 1 turbo snails in my refugium as I on the light in the refugium from 11.30pm to 7am daily. 1 urchin should be enough as previously, my urchin eat into my silicon at the corners of my tank. 3 turbo snails is good enough to clean up my rocks and glass as I want to make sure they do not starve to death if there are not enough algae. The nassarius will usually come out when I feed mysis shrimp and they will usually roam when the lights are out. I have 1 coral banded shrimp in my refugium as he ate my purple firefish, lol.

Hi bro,

So many crew inside? May i ask how many fishes do you have?

Thanks :)

"It said on the box Requires Windows 95 or better - so i bought a Mac"

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Ok bros! Since my tank size is only 2.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 ft. Here are the cleanup army i am planning to get for the initial stage after the tank is cycled.

For Sand

1. Sand Star x 1
2. Nassarius Snails x 2
3. Coral banded shrimp x 1 (a bit worried about this cause i have researched and most said that this is a mean machine)

For Rocks

1. Turbo snails x 1
2. Tuxedo urchin x 1

For Refugium


Please give your feedback and i will make changes accordingly. Many thanks for your valuable contributions :)

"It said on the box Requires Windows 95 or better - so i bought a Mac"

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Hi gurus,

4th day (started on 13 Dec) into my tank cycling (160 Litres) not including sump.

Just to recap, dropped a prawn into tank, dose 1 portion each of (Biodigest and Bioptim) combo.

My test results today shows the following:

NH4: < 0.25

NO2: 0

NO3: 100

Should i do a partial water change now to lower the nitrate level or wait till later? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!



"It said on the box Requires Windows 95 or better - so i bought a Mac"

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quick update:

did a 10% water change and added another dose of (biodigest and bioptim) combo.

will do another water test in a few days time to see what it says :)

"It said on the box Requires Windows 95 or better - so i bought a Mac"

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If i rem correctly, the startup kit is a combination of biodigest and biotim but it has an accelerated dosing recommendation. 

But its good you have decided to stick to the one month period although i also feel that the cycle can be completed much earlier nowadays with the better range of products in the market now. 

It'll be better if u can consider adding livestock that takes care of the algae issues you will be facing first, add an easy fish then followed by an easy coral like mushrooms, zoas etc.. 

Bio start up consist on Bio Digest and Stop Ammo

I dun really understand the function of Stop Ammo as u need Ammo to start the cycle. Unless theres too many ammo and not enough Beneficial which results in Bacteria Bloom (Cloudy Milky Water)?

The one consist of Both Biodigest and Biotim is Bio Clean Salt.



Edited by Teha Toshie
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Ok bros! Since my tank size is only 2.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 ft. Here are the cleanup army i am planning to get for the initial stage after the tank is cycled.

For Sand

1. Sand Star x 1
2. Nassarius Snails x 2
3. Coral banded shrimp x 1 (a bit worried about this cause i have researched and most said that this is a mean machine)

For Rocks

1. Turbo snails x 1
2. Tuxedo urchin x 1

For Refugium


Please give your feedback and i will make changes accordingly. Many thanks for your valuable contributions :)

Consider Turbo Snail and Tuxedo, they are algae eaters, since u already cycle ur tank with Rowaphos, i assume phosphate readings are low which deny algae growth. No algae = Turbo Snail and urchin gonna starve and die off which can lead to nutrient problem. I would skip the turbo snails and tux if u dont have an algae problem (btw this critters will end up on u glass wall instead of rocks). For rocks, get blue/red leg hermit.

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Consider Turbo Snail and Tuxedo, they are algae eaters, since u already cycle ur tank with Rowaphos, i assume phosphate readings are low which deny algae growth. No algae = Turbo Snail and urchin gonna starve and die off which can lead to nutrient problem. I would skip the turbo snails and tux if u dont have an algae problem (btw this critters will end up on u glass wall instead of rocks). For rocks, get blue/red leg hermit.

Got it bro! Thanks :)

"It said on the box Requires Windows 95 or better - so i bought a Mac"

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Ok bros! Since my tank size is only 2.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 ft. Here are the cleanup army i am planning to get for the initial stage after the tank is cycled.

For Sand

1. Sand Star x 1
2. Nassarius Snails x 2
3. Coral banded shrimp x 1 (a bit worried about this cause i have researched and most said that this is a mean machine)

For Rocks

1. Turbo snails x 1
2. Tuxedo urchin x 1

For Refugium


Please give your feedback and i will make changes accordingly. Many thanks for your valuable contributions :)

Hey bro, for urchins (in my experience) i wouldn't recommend unless you glue everything down. My cute urchins knocked over my coral frags like bulldozers and even dragged them around on their spines by mistake. Also note that they actually will strip ALL algae, including coraline algae on the live rocks... They stripped my nice purple coraline algae rocks back to squeaky clean white lol

I think snails are the safest bet for now. I see you have Nassarius for under the sand and turbo for rocks/glass. Can consider Sera snail for top of sand to clear cyano as well

My coral banded shrimp are quite calm, maybe because they're paired and also intimidated by my false clowns in the tank haha

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Hey bro, for urchins (in my experience) i wouldn't recommend unless you glue everything down. My cute urchins knocked over my coral frags like bulldozers and even dragged them around on their spines by mistake. Also note that they actually will strip ALL algae, including coraline algae on the live rocks... They stripped my nice purple coraline algae rocks back to squeaky clean white lol

I think snails are the safest bet for now. I see you have Nassarius for under the sand and turbo for rocks/glass. Can consider Sera snail for top of sand to clear cyano as well

My coral banded shrimp are quite calm, maybe because they're paired and also intimidated by my false clowns in the tank haha

Thanks for the input bro! 

"It said on the box Requires Windows 95 or better - so i bought a Mac"

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