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D.G's 6ft Reef Tank


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21 hours ago, andrewsoh said:

Hi D.G can you share your dosing plan and feeding regime? Much appreciated. :)

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

Hi, my tank parameters are pretty standard.

Keeping PH - 8.0, Cal - 420ppm, Mag - 1280, KH - 6 (my sps does best at 6 doesn't do as well at 7-8 so I just keep it at 6)

I don't feed my tank heavily, 1 small piece of seaweed and some Ocean Nutrition pellet food daily. 1 frozen mysis cube every other day. 

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Hi, my tank parameters are pretty standard.
Keeping PH - 8.0, Cal - 420ppm, Mag - 1280, KH - 6 (my sps does best at 6 doesn't do as well at 7-8 so I just keep it at 6)
I don't feed my tank heavily, 1 small piece of seaweed and some Ocean Nutrition pellet food daily. 1 frozen mysis cube every other day. 

Thank u bro. Can you share your dosing regime? Like how many drops of zeostart, zeobak, coral snow and how often you do it? I am going to start on a new tank and these info would be most helpful for me to slowly find my ground. Appreciate it!

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On 2/7/2018 at 3:31 PM, andrewsoh said:


Thank u bro. Can you share your dosing regime? Like how many drops of zeostart, zeobak, coral snow and how often you do it? I am going to start on a new tank and these info would be most helpful for me to slowly find my ground. Appreciate it!

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app


Hi sorry for the late reply, I hope this helps.


FishTank Schedule.JPG

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  • 6 months later...

Hi everyone, I would just like to share the progress of my tank. As of right now the tank is around 2 years and 7 mths old. 

The rock scape of the tank is relatively unchanged, only some minor extensions were made through the years.

There had been some losses but overall nothing too serious, so still quite pleased with the results.

FTS at 6 mths oldIMG_8144.thumb.JPG.7e7bbedc8f2edc2a4d487a3ac816b275.JPG


FTS as of Today


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7 minutes ago, Mahesh said:

very nice setup...crystal clear water..love it..:)

Thanks Mahesh.. Love crystal clear water too, never ending process of improving the water quality..

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13 hours ago, MarCal said:

Very beautiful. Super clean tank and sand bed....how?? :wub:

Thanks MarCal.. for the sand bed maintenance I normally suck out the detritus on the sand when doing weekly water change.

Also plenty of sandstars, nassarius snails, hermit crabs and sand sifting gobies working hard behind the scenes.. 

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Some Pink Birdnest shots..

Photos taken with scaled down Blue light settings..Capture3.thumb.JPG.cd922dfaee8166e0db7402a653fbf731.JPG


Not very sure if this piece is Pink Birdnest or not.. Got it a long time ago and could have sworn that it was greenish??

Can some of the experts please help out with the ID? I think it could be Birds of Paradise..Thanks..


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On 8/24/2018 at 5:48 PM, Jeebusai said:

Very nice tank with nice rock scape! Makes me want to do a re-scape lol. 


On 8/25/2018 at 11:11 AM, Nick Liu said:

Ya lor very nice e scape. Its sure lots of effort

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

Thanks guys.. Yeah the rock scape took me quite a while to prepare.. Thankfully its still holding strong..

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So proud of my baby Queen Angelfish..

Go it when it was a tiny 1 inch baby, so worried that it wouldn't survive.. Most times it would just go missing and can't spot it in the tank.. It was even tinier than my juvenile clown fishes at that time..


Now here it is at 9 mths old.. 




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11 minutes ago, D.G said:

So proud of my baby Queen Angelfish..

Go it when it was a tiny 1 inch baby, so worried that it wouldn't survive.. Most times it would just go missing and can't spot it in the tank.. It was even tinier than my juvenile clown fishes at that time..


Now here it is at 9 mths old.. 




Congrats. Very pretty. My new yellow eye kole not doing so well. Injured and terrorized by my yellow tang. Lost so much weight....

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49 minutes ago, Jeebusai said:

Congrats. Very pretty. My new yellow eye kole not doing so well. Injured and terrorized by my yellow tang. Lost so much weight....

Thanks.. sorry to hear that your yellow eye kole isn't doing well..

When I first introduced my queen angel it was occasionally chased by my yellow and purple tang but it was properly terrorized by my flameback angelfish.. As it was tiny at that time it could hide in places the flameback couldn't get into, one of its favorite hiding places was inside my purple digi conony.. Probably that's how it survived.. At the beginning I did trap the flameback and kept it in the sump for a while but it was still slightly aggressive when I introduced it back..

Now its way bigger than the flameback and slightly bigger than my tangs.. We have peace now..

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41 minutes ago, sklego said:

Very pretty queen angel! 

Thanks sklego!!! Always wanted to keep a Queen angelfish and patiently waited to get the right fish as its really expensive.. hahaha.. So glad I got this baby.. 

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