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Cube Tank & Equipments Sales


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Dear Reefers,

Apologies to some of the bro as I was not able to reply everyone and didn't reserve the items as the response was a lot for the livestock. Decided to start a new thread to consolidate the balance equipments and tank


Tank: 2.5 feet x 2.5 feet x 2 feet cube with specially design sump tank and white laminated chenggai cabinet and hood: $400.00

Deltec SC 1455: $380.00

Jebao Dosing Pump: $40.00

Biopellet Reactor (From Deaquatic, Large model, white color): $70.00

Deltec H2ocean 2000 pump: $70.00

Deltec 5000 pump: $150.00

Skimz Br-80: $40.00

Deltec Salt (80% left): $60.00

Seachem Addictives (Magnesium, Kalkwassar, Calcium etc etc, its the 1kg bottle, mostly 80% left): $10.00 a bottle

Sump Tank live Sand: FOC


For interested parties of the tank, I will throw in the Deltec 5000 pump, all addictives, coral frag holders, jebao dosing pump with stand, socks holder, socks etc all within $400.00.

In addition, tank buyer have the option to buy the Deltec 1455 skimmer at only $300.00!

For picture, please refer to the link: http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/topic/129194-90-gallons-cube-tank/

Main Tank: 93 Gallon Cube Tank
Skimmer: Deltec SC 1455, Skimz Mini SN143
Chiller: Arctica DBA-075
Lightings: AI Hydra 52 x 02
Wavemaker: Vortech mp-40 x 02, Tunze 6020
Dosing Pump: Jebao with Grotech ABC,123 & Mag
Return Pump: Deltec H20cean 5000
Reactor: Biopellets with FR & Deltec H20cean 2000

FR: Skimz BR80

Supplements: Seachem Reef Builder, Seachem Calcium, Seachem Magnesium, Seachem Kalkwassar, Seachem Iodine

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Collection n viewing at Tanjong Rhu with no obligations . 

Contact 96576008

Main Tank: 93 Gallon Cube Tank
Skimmer: Deltec SC 1455, Skimz Mini SN143
Chiller: Arctica DBA-075
Lightings: AI Hydra 52 x 02
Wavemaker: Vortech mp-40 x 02, Tunze 6020
Dosing Pump: Jebao with Grotech ABC,123 & Mag
Return Pump: Deltec H20cean 5000
Reactor: Biopellets with FR & Deltec H20cean 2000

FR: Skimz BR80

Supplements: Seachem Reef Builder, Seachem Calcium, Seachem Magnesium, Seachem Kalkwassar, Seachem Iodine

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Letting  go the cube tank with Deltec 5000 return pump (retail at $240.00) at $400.00 nett.

Tank set was build last year for $1.5k excluding the pump. Therefore it's almost half buy half give.

Text me at 96576008 to view.

Main Tank: 93 Gallon Cube Tank
Skimmer: Deltec SC 1455, Skimz Mini SN143
Chiller: Arctica DBA-075
Lightings: AI Hydra 52 x 02
Wavemaker: Vortech mp-40 x 02, Tunze 6020
Dosing Pump: Jebao with Grotech ABC,123 & Mag
Return Pump: Deltec H20cean 5000
Reactor: Biopellets with FR & Deltec H20cean 2000

FR: Skimz BR80

Supplements: Seachem Reef Builder, Seachem Calcium, Seachem Magnesium, Seachem Kalkwassar, Seachem Iodine

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Wow, Super great deal if u ask me. Ups for u bro



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thanks bro ! Interested parties please wassup to arrange a viewing or wassup me for more pics. 

Custom built 2.5 feet cube tank with white cabinet and sump tank & a Deltec 5000 return pump all for $400 

Main Tank: 93 Gallon Cube Tank
Skimmer: Deltec SC 1455, Skimz Mini SN143
Chiller: Arctica DBA-075
Lightings: AI Hydra 52 x 02
Wavemaker: Vortech mp-40 x 02, Tunze 6020
Dosing Pump: Jebao with Grotech ABC,123 & Mag
Return Pump: Deltec H20cean 5000
Reactor: Biopellets with FR & Deltec H20cean 2000

FR: Skimz BR80

Supplements: Seachem Reef Builder, Seachem Calcium, Seachem Magnesium, Seachem Kalkwassar, Seachem Iodine

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