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HAIL Hydra (OF hydra filter system)


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  • SRC Member


Just like to do some sharing on OF Hydra Filter System. Many still quite skeptical on "the wonder" how his new gimmick is able to assist us on our filteration system, especially comming from a veterinarian fresh water giant. But i would say it's definitely a break through in their research and had keep my marine system going for 3 weeks with 0 loss in my tank. (Keeping my finger crossed)

I would like to declare that i was "forced" into doing such extreme "test" due to the failure of my canister. Yes.. U might have guessed, my system is down.. And due to my irregular working hours, i still unable to make time to get another canister or a sump to support my 322 tank. Current system in my tank are 2 wave makers and a Hydra 50 (internal filter) only. No skimmer, no carbon removal or any N03 or P04 absorbent. Water change 30% weekly. Till now, my water stays clears life stocks are doing well.

Current life stocks:

Blue Face angel 5"

Fox Face 4"

Yellow wrasse 3"

6 line wrasse 1"

Clown wrasse 4"

Tomato clown 1"

Onyx perculer clown 1"

green dragonet 2.5"

2x hermit crab


Super Sun corals

Zoas (dunno what species, jus buy becos it looks nice)

Pulsing Xenia

Large polyps buttons (dunno what species, jus buy becos it looks nice)


Spotted Mushroom

Blue sponge 

7 big leathers (mainly with luminous polyps or luminous leather)




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I feel the hydra is more like a filteration enhancement , if there is no source of export ( protein skimmer) where would the waste in the water be exported?

Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk

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  • SRC Member

I'm definitely keen to know more about this 'wonder'.

Maybe Qianhu team can shed more light on this.

Are we talking about the same thing as this:



Hi Neutral,

is the filter system you spoke of the black color box on the right side of the tank?


yes it is.. in fact is not black.. it's blue in colour.. mind is an internal filter.. u may get a external one which is the hydra stream if u are running a canister or wants a bigger capacity. ^_^

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