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Question/help with cycle rocks

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Hello Everyone,

I'm starting to go back to the hobby, i already have build my stand and about to build my sump for the new setup. I have a biocube 29g only have 4 fish in them for about a year and half. The new setup im going with is 120g tank with 20/30g sump.... My question is that i have about 50lb of rocks but sitting in the water (no water change) in a plastic bin for about a year, don't think it be live rock no more. I was thinking if i should buy a trash can to put the 50lb rock in there with a powerhead and do water change every 2 week with my old water from the biocube that i change every 2 week about 5g...... would this cycle process the rock to live rock faster? My other question is that my live rock i have in my biocube now about 25lb of LR i have unwanted animal like warms. Im think about take them all out and dry them outside for a week and then add it the trash can with the other rocks. Would that work? or there a product that they have to remove unwanted animal from the LR before i put them in the sun for a week? Thanks :)

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The most effective way is to put the rock into a pail, dose some bacterial and run air pump. Or maybe wave.

Because the rock is dead, just throw in a few pellet to start the cycle.

As for worms, they actually can be good indicator for your water parameter, they only visible if there's something wrong with your water. *

*to be confirm by expert.


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Hi welcome to SRC

why do you want to remove the worms from the LR first before putting them in the sun when the sun would remove them & convert your rock into dead rock?


Well at first i saw the worm about 4inch long in my biocube at that time and i had pull out 6 so far and thought about let me just start setting up my 120g so i just can put all the live stock in to the new tank after the tank cycle... 

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The most effective way is to put the rock into a pail, dose some bacterial and run air pump. Or maybe wave.

Because the rock is dead, just throw in a few pellet to start the cycle.

As for worms, they actually can be good indicator for your water parameter, they only visible if there's something wrong with your water. *

*to be confirm by expert.


dose some bacterial..... like  bio spira the one with the purple bottle?.. and for the worms there to many that breeding in the biocube and cover some of my LR already :(

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Well at first i saw the worm about 4inch long in my biocube at that time and i had pull out 6 so far and thought about let me just start setting up my 120g so i just can put all the live stock in to the new tank after the tank cycle... 

wow, 4inch? Sounds like big worms! Are they bristleworms? Do you have any pics of them?

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wow, 4inch? Sounds like big worms! Are they bristleworms? Do you have any pics of them?

Dont have a picture of them but i just google them just now and yeah it look like them (bristleworms), and yes 4inch long or maybe longer and i have pull the big ones only because the small one are harder to get so that why i need to move all the live stock to the big tank but i need the big tank to cycle for a month or maybe more but dont want to add the old LR to the big tank because of the worms that living inside the rocks and they breed like crazy 

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  • 4 weeks later...

What I did when moving from my cube tank to my current tank was I try to squeeze as much dead rock in the sump as possible to seed them. Once my tank was ready, I just moved all the rocks to the new tank with dead rocks in the display so that this will ensure there are no pest in the display. However, this will take some time for the dead rocks to be live. The rocks with the pests like bristtle worms are added to the sump. I will remove them when I see them roaming around.

Tank: 3.5ft x 2ft x 1.5ft, 12mm

Sump: 3ft

Skimmer: Bubble Magus Curve 7

Lightings: Maxspect 15000k

Return Pump: Eheim 1252

Wavemaker: Jebao WP25, Jebao RW-8

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