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Golden Angel


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I was enchanted by this beautiful and shy dwarf angel when I first started reefing more than 20 years ago.

Back then, I kept 3 specimens without success. I gave up with a heavy heart. But I never really forgot this elusive beauty.

Then last month, after returning to the hobby for some two years, I thought I'd give the golden angel another try.

I had just upgraded to a 4-footer, and the only fish I had in there were a couple of gobies, pair of clowns, and a fat mandarin.

So introducing a golden angel, which is easily spooked by similar fishes, was ideal. I chanced upon an alert and healthy looking specimen at Pinnacle. It was their last piece. 

I bought it, and it was in my tank shortly afterwards.  As expected, it stayed hidden for the first five days. Then it started emerging in the early mornings. 

As the days went on, it became bolder, and was soon swimming openly all over the tank. And just as I feared, it started nipping on my corals. It liked acros, milles and brains especially.

I thought once I got it to feed on pellets, it would stop. And I was confident that it would start eating pellets soon. But after about 3 weeks in my tank, it was still nipping on corals and algae. It was fat and happy (round tummy), and would even stare at me when I used my hand to scare it away from the LPS.

Then I saw some tissue regression on a couple of my corals. I decided there and then that it had to go. I dismantled the tank, caught the fish, and put it in my sump.

I advertised it for sale, feeling a mixture of relief and sadness. There were plenty of interested parties, and a fellow hobbyist soon came to pick up the fish.

He was an avid fish enthusiast. And I thought the golden angel would be in good hands. Alas it lasted only a day. I was shocked when I enquired how the fish was. And heart-broken. I blamed myself for sending it to its premature demise. It was so happy and hearty in my tank. Perhaps I should have sacrificed my corals for the exquisite angel.

I can't say why it died. With fishes, it is always hard to say. I can't blame the buyer.

Now, as I sit writing about my all-time fave angel, I know that I've finally succeeded in keeping it - if only for three weeks. The next time (if there is a next time), I will keep it in a FOWLR tank. 

Farewell my angel!


Edited by christan1959
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Sorry to hear about your loss. I just accidentally killed my damsel today. Although it may seem like a cheap, unwanted fish but every life is precious.

Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk

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tried twice, both feeding well but survived less than 6 months

from my experience, they are extremely shy and timid

once got bullied, it will take awhile to "recover"

its a lot easier to keep them if you have a "peaceful" tank


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  • 10 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 5 months later...

 Hi guys,

It's been quite a while since the above postings. But the good news is that Pacific Reef has again brought in the C. aurinatus in their recent shipments. But what condition they r in will be 4 the buyers to try out.


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