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Thanks. Just trying to write some marine stuff as a part of my interest.

Ps: to people that question why am I stocking my tank fully.

1. Because I've already seed my filter media with bacteria.

2. I'm using c9 skimmer with hydra stream 3 and also do vodka dosing to bring down the nitrate from my tap water and uncure rock.

3. Did any of my fish die.

I've done plenty enough of research to test this out. If one of my fish die I wouldn't have any complain. But if there isn't it show that this can be a new way to establish a tank asap.

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Do you run any biopellet?


I used to run hydra in my FOWLR tank, i have positive feedback on it, you need to maintain the cleanliness near the Cartridge to ensure the effectiveness.


Edited by yeo99




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Do you run any biopellet?


I used to run hydra in my FOWLR tank, i have positive feedback on it, you need to maintain the cleanliness near the Cartridge to ensure the effectiveness.


That's right bro. Haha I use vodka dosing it's also a carbon source like biopellet !

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Day 4-5. Like any tap water user, diatom will come out if you do not use rodi or di. Therefore you going to see brown on my surface rock. What I plan to do is to get a cheap di unit so I won't have to see so many nasty brown stuff.

Ps: my powder blue tang enjoy eating them


Fish casualty : 0

Coral casualty : 0

Seem like fish are happily swimming and not harming them!

If wan to get di unit try change the last stage to resin one.. Heard can reduce no3 and tds near 0.. I start up mine with 3 stage di unit without resin. Tds 100ppm.. But my tank running for 3wks liao.. No diatoms bloom.. Maybe all my rocks and sands is dead ba..

Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk

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If wan to get di unit try change the last stage to resin one.. Heard can reduce no3 and tds near 0.. I start up mine with 3 stage di unit without resin. Tds 100ppm.. But my tank running for 3wks liao.. No diatoms bloom.. Maybe all my rocks and sands is dead ba..

Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk

I think your tank has proven it! Haha . Thanks for the head up!

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Wow , the clarity of the water is amazing. I think I will invest in getting one for my cube tank , thanks for the sharing bro !

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

No problem. I'm still supervising it. But for now this thread is just a running journal of the live update with this new system. I won't say it surprisingly defeat other system because hydra have its own flaws too. Well the benefit is support the livestock like a charm. Other than that you still need other media to bring down po4 and no3.

To be exact, only run this system if you have confident in your tank. Know what's the up and down. Only yourself know the tank more than anybody else. People can tell you that your light is not good enough or is wrong to do this do that. But we can't please anybody.

I trust that it can support swings and it really works! Let's see this test after a month.

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No problem. I'm still supervising it. But for now this thread is just a running journal of the live update with this new system. I won't say it surprisingly defeat other system because hydra have its own flaws too. Well the benefit is support the livestock like a charm. Other than that you still need other media to bring down po4 and no3.

To be exact, only run this system if you have confident in your tank. Know what's the up and down. Only yourself know the tank more than anybody else. People can tell you that your light is not good enough or is wrong to do this do that. But we can't please anybody.

I trust that it can support swings and it really works! Let's see this test after a month.

Will be camping for the updates :)

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

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hi bro,

nice to see so many pbt in 1 reef tank, the color is awesome.

very good write up on the hydra too.

just want to share my limited knowledge on tank stability. 

i think most of us understand that no die off of fish or corals would mean the tank is stable. my old school knowledge to this is determine by, when a fish is added in. there is minimum or no ick on new fishes. sandbed is 90% or almost clean of diatom or cynobacteria or anything similar.
Also most tank crash would come a couple of months later. It is when a system have too much to cope and breakdown.

no doubt that you have shown the system you have done is a success but there is more boxes to tick then what you have listed and the limited example i have given is not all.
this limited knowledge is base on my personal opinion, no offense to you or anyone involved. 


Edited by ReDDeviLs
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It's funny that I haven't reviewed about hydra and just writing the specs and how it works from the website and I get judged for trying to promote it.

All I wanted to do is to just share my journal like every reefer.

Anyway I'm quite happy with the product so if I were to do a positive review that's my business because everyone has their own views on the product.

Ps: if a year of experience is able to successfully keep a school of pbt. What are you?

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hi bro,

nice to see so many pbt in 1 reef tank, the color is awesome.

very good write up on the hydra too.

just want to share my limited knowledge on tank stability. 

i think most of us understand that no die off of fish or corals would mean the tank is stable. my old school knowledge to this is determine by, when a fish is added in. there is minimum or no ick on new fishes. sandbed is 90% or almost clean of diatom or cynobacteria or anything similar.

Also most tank crash would come a couple of months later. It is when a system have too much to cope and breakdown.

no doubt that you have shown the system you have done is a success but there is more boxes to tick then what you have listed and the limited example i have given is not all.

this limited knowledge is base on my personal opinion, no offense to you or anyone involved. 

Thank you for viewing . I am running a test as trying to see if hydra can stock up as much as possible within shortest time. I don't suggest anyone to follow me. I just want to produce result to show people the good or bad about this product.

Reason might also be because I'm confident with hydra after many research and I even post a review thread hoping someone can review before I use it.

Thank you hydra for not failing me if i not I will be sad for quite long making so Ann fish dead.

Luckily all my fishes are very healthy and no ich spotted on the pbt. I've plan this project for quite a long time and even done research on pbt. I do not advise people to do the same as me because the traditional way is still the most safest way to prevent swing. Although I think that hydra do help with swing, the extend of the benefit it's still unknown to most reefer.

Thank you for reading !


Beautiful common torch :)

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Nitrate drop again !

Vodka dosing is really a good method!

It's cheap and easy. Just ask a friend who travel get you a duty free bottle and you can use it for few months !

Hail vodka !

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Wouldn't the hydra alone remove nitrates? Is there a reason for using vodka while already running hydra?

Sorry, abit confused... 

Hydra is only converting ammonia.. Correct me if im wrong. So if no ammonia there wont be nitrite nor nitrate. That the theroy.. Somehow niratr will still appear in ur tank which hydra dun handle it.. So need to dose volka or some solution or setup a refug for long run..

Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk

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Hydra is only converting ammonia.. Correct me if im wrong. So if no ammonia there wont be nitrite nor nitrate. That the theroy.. Somehow niratr will still appear in ur tank which hydra dun handle it.. So need to dose volka or some solution or setup a refug for long run..

Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk

Thank you for the answer. You score 10/10!

Water that didn't get pass hydra because it didn't go through the pump or because filter media already convert it causing nitrate to be form even before entering hydra, since hydra can't remove the nitrate but only ammonia and no2, therefore I still need another method to export nitrate that's already in the tank or product by the bacteria before entering hydra

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Thank you for viewing . I am running a test as trying to see if hydra can stock up as much as possible within shortest time. I don't suggest anyone to follow me. I just want to produce result to show people the good or bad about this product.

Reason might also be because I'm confident with hydra after many research and I even post a review thread hoping someone can review before I use it.

Thank you hydra for not failing me if i not I will be sad for quite long making so Ann fish dead.

Luckily all my fishes are very healthy and no ich spotted on the pbt. I've plan this project for quite a long time and even done research on pbt. I do not advise people to do the same as me because the traditional way is still the most safest way to prevent swing. Although I think that hydra do help with swing, the extend of the benefit it's still unknown to most reefer.


Thank you for reading !



Beautiful common torch :)


sounds good bro, keep the sharing coming!

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Reef Reefing Reefed

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It's funny that I haven't reviewed about hydra and just writing the specs and how it works from the website and I get judged for trying to promote it.

All I wanted to do is to just share my journal like every reefer.


Anyway I'm quite happy with the product so if I were to do a positive review that's my business because everyone has their own views on the product.


Ps: if a year of experience is able to successfully keep a school of pbt. What are you?

Just a neutral comments  

Lets not forgetting the passion we have to start reefing !

Reefing brings us together as one big family !

Passion keep us going on !

Sharing personal experience benefit us for not making other mistake they done in this hobby !

Every one have personal preference & liking so every tank have it own beauty I feel

Lets keep our passion going and learning from each other everyday ! Cheers

 Happy Reefing Everyone


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I'm happy with RowaPhos, My phos is over the chart and after adding rowaphos into a FR reactor, it instantly drop to 0.5ppm.

Alot people ask me not to add so much at a go so I'm using 1/2 of the recommended amount.

Let's hope it can reduce all the po4 in my water !


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