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My reef tank featured in FishLove Magazine

Achilles Tang

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ok..here's the last para...

loosely translated, hope my chinese teacher is not here...but oops..we do have a teacher around :P

"SRC isn’t an official club listed with the registrar of societies currently …but it provides a vast information bank of marine fish and corals in the form of an educational web forum.

For newcomers to this hobby, the correct information about marine keeping can be found in this forum. Besides, if you encounter any problems in keeping marine fish or corals, you can post your questions in the forum.

Conrad will spend a few hours answering questions in the forum everyday. Sometimes when the problem is severe and there is a need to, Conrad will personally visit the reefer’s home to help. Conrad receives invitations to give speeches at fish exhibitions, hopefully it can bring correct information about marine keeping to the public.

On 12th to 15th March, in the exhibition held at Singapore Expo organized by Yu Le, Conrad was present as a VIP speaker."

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Yo AT,

The article (oh the sea is calling)says u and your wife (and friends) had a near miss while on a diving trip, wife and friends were swept by underwater currents out to the open sea :unsure: . However, U manage to pull them back, but use up all your oxygen and had to share O2 with your wife. Bond between u and wife grew stronger. Nevertherless, u are still draw to the sea and learn to respect it for its beauty althought it nearly cost your life :sick: .

Like the above article, of having a sort of bitter-sweet/love-hate situation of you and the sea. And having to appreciate the wonders of it :lol: .


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while on a diving trip, wife and friends were swept by underwater currents out to the open sea :unsure: . However, U manage to pull them back, but use up all your oxygen and had to share O2 with your wife. Bond between u and wife grew stronger.

That's the sweetest part... :wub::wub::wub:

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What's with the kitchen in the picture? Looks weird.

I wonder if it will 'inspire' more to start marine? Good or bad?


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YYeah.... the photographer... wasn't supposed to take photos of the kitchen... grrr....

IN FACT... I wasn't even ready for them to take photos of my tank that day!!!! I didn't even had time to prepare my tank for photography!! Eg. knock the snails off the back wall, scrape off more coralline, clean the glass... :lol:

In fact, I wasn't even supposed to be in the photo!!

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Didn't they make an appointment with you?


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Wah...now fight grades ah?

Okay...me A1 for English, A1 for Lit and B3 for Hist...how about it? :eyebrow::eyebrow:

But hor...after associating with you guys...I became rojak... :lol::lol::lol:

Sis... me no do any better... :lol:

GP / Lit / Econ - A1

Maths - A2

Chinese as AO Level F9... :lol::lol::lol:

Can you just imagine my parents face then??? It was like.. :angry::ph34r::fear: .. then it was :nuke: and :pirate: for me liao...


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Congratulations boss. Wow....it must be nice to be on a magazine. :angel::angel::angel::angel::):):)

The good news is that this will help to promote the hobby of marine keeping. The down side is that more people will chiong to the LFS shop and buy stock, so the price is going to increase again.... :pirate::pirate::pirate:

BTW, any one know of good marine magazine to subscribe? Where to buy loose copy in Singapore?



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so proud of u.. haha..

I can now tell your great grand uncles in China of your deeds..


inside mag says wat..? veri good life for fishlover editor this month, no need to work much, all photos provided. haha..

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FishLove or shall I say "Fish Love to Die". This magazine is a JUNK. My Dad use to buy this magazine for his Luohan and GoldFish passion. They started with a Marine column past several issues and I can tell you that those advise they provide is ready "Fish Love to Die".

One of the recommendation is that you do not need to change water forever, juz top-up with tap water. :P:P:P Plus the additives recommended to be added.....oh :evil: man :D:D:P:blink::blink::blink::evil:

If you are associated with them, watch out :angry::blink::P someone might throw rotten eggs at you while you on the streets.



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strong words from you bro max, hehe

but maybe since you have been keeping updated with the progess of this magazine through the issues your dad bought, you may be also right in your opinions....

nonetheless, it will guide more newcomers to this hobby to come here to get proper information in this forum especially with experienced bros like you around....

you said the past few issues have been rather crappy in their marine information, hope this issue will guide more here to learn proper information from bros like you :D

cheers :)

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  • SRC Member
FishLove or shall I say "Fish Love to Die". This magazine is a JUNK. My Dad use to buy this magazine for his Luohan and GoldFish passion. They started with a Marine column past several issues and I can tell you that those advise they provide is ready "Fish Love to Die".

One of the recommendation is that you do not need to change water forever, juz top-up with tap water. :P:P:P Plus the additives recommended to be added.....oh :evil: man :D:D:P:blink::blink::blink::evil:

If you are associated with them, watch out :angry::blink::P someone might throw rotten eggs at you while you on the streets.



"do not need to change water forever, juz top-up with tap water."......WOW. Are we onto a project to convert marine fish into freshwater fish or what? :lol::lol::lol:

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FishLove or shall I say "Fish Love to Die". This magazine is a JUNK. My Dad use to buy this magazine for his Luohan and GoldFish passion. They started with a Marine column past several issues and I can tell you that those advise they provide is ready "Fish Love to Die".

One of the recommendation is that you do not need to change water forever, juz top-up with tap water. :P  :P  :P  Plus the additives recommended to be added.....oh :evil:  man  :D  :D  :P  :blink:  :blink:  :blink:  :evil: 

If you are associated with them, watch out :angry:  :blink:  :P someone might throw rotten eggs at you while you on the streets.



Now I know why Fish love magazine did ask me to be a regular contributor to the magazine.... !!!

I don't know who their advisers are.... but one of the advertisers so-called discovered a way to keep tanks in a sustainable fashion/keep water clear... and you know what? It's just explains the basic nitrogen cycle... and the system is.... just the bioballs in sump system!!! I almost fell off my chair when I saw the poster at the exhibition and they have a booth there!! The funny thing is that its in joint-development with a polytechnic and a famous tank maker is so-called using this technique too!!

Anyway... I see this publicity as a positive thing.

They may have followed poor advice from the magazine in the past but I hope they will be inspired further with this article and with the information that I have provided, promoting SRC, that the newbies there will be making their way here and learning more... a lot more... ;)

I don't know how large the chinese-speaking marine community is... but I am sure there is a way to reach them. If it requires me to write the marine column for Fishlove Magazine, I'll do it... or I could develop my own simple magazine with chinese translation. :yeah:

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The writer who wrote this column sounds kinda poetic....

" When you see the reef tank in his home.... when he see how committed he is in helping others solve husbandry problems.... when he see his underwater photography collection... oh.... you will understand how passionate he is for this hobby... his passion runs as deep as the oceans... "

:lol: kinda corny :lol:

"Less technology, more biology" --- John Tullock

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The writer who wrote this column sounds kinda poetic....

" When you see the reef tank in his home.... when he see how committed he is in helping others solve husbandry problems.... when he see his underwater photography collection... oh.... you will understand how passionate he is for this hobby... his passion runs as deep as the oceans... "

:lol: kinda corny :lol:

It says that?? :lol::lol::lol:

Well, you know how dramatic the chinese language can get... :evil:

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Now I know why Fish love magazine did ask me to be a regular contributor to the magazine.... !!!

I don't know who their advisers are.... but one of the advertisers so-called discovered a way to keep tanks in a sustainable fashion/keep water clear... and you know what? It's just explains the basic nitrogen cycle... and the system is.... just the bioballs in sump system!!! I almost fell off my chair when I saw the poster at the exhibition and they have a booth there!! The funny thing is that its in joint-development with a polytechnic and a famous tank maker is so-called using this technique too!!

Anyway... I see this publicity as a positive thing.

They may have followed poor advice from the magazine in the past but I hope they will be inspired further with this article and with the information that I have provided, promoting SRC, that the newbies there will be making their way here and learning more... a lot more... ;)

I don't know how large the chinese-speaking marine community is... but I am sure there is a way to reach them. If it requires me to write the marine column for Fishlove Magazine, I'll do it... or I could develop my own simple magazine with chinese translation. :yeah:

Hi AT,

Maybe you can consider to become a publisher yourself and publish a magazine. :D

I know of good printers both in Sing & Mal.


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Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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Congrats, the publication of your beautiful is long overdue. I am showing off the pictures I took at your place to hobbyist in KL and also the fish shops, I can see their mouths are wet and dripping with saliva as we don't get many SPS here, even if we do, it is small pieces and mainly dull and not so colourful like yours.

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Great stuff there, AT. Love those pics. :yeah:

I did browse a few issues of the magazine b4. If I'm not wrong, in their last issue they have a section that explains how to setup a marine tank from scratch. Personally, didn't agree on a few points they brought up. e.g. making a corner for DSB instead of the whole tank, Cycle for 2-3 weeks instead of testing water parameter

Sure hope that with this issue, those really interested in starting reefing will know where to get accurate info.

Keep it up, boss! :bow:


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Hi AT,

Let me help to translate,.. here goes.

If there's no failure, how could one taste the fruit of success...

The satisfaction of success doesn’t come easy without numbers of failures in the initial attempts in setting up a marine reef aquarium.

Freshwater plant aqua-scaping is Conrad’s first love. Later in life, he was attracted to the beauty of the marine fishes and corals, which trigger the era of his embrace in marine fishkeeping.

The tedious journey of marine fishkeeping is inevitable.

Majority of the fish shops are only concerned about selling and will not think twice about offering tips on proper husbandry, etc. So as to allow fishes and corals to exhibit its natural beauty within the artificial marine reef environment.

In the older generation, the consequences of lacking of marine knowledge and understanding, will always result to the death of fishes and corals, leading to the mentality of “die and buy again” syndrome; making more sins. Eventually, majority of the newbies will think that they are not the kind who is capable in marine fishkeeping and finally give up their hopes in making their dream tank.

CONRAD CHUA HAN SIANG pull himself out of ignorance. He starts going into the books and researched on the source of problems.


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