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Orange Digi help

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  • SRC Member

Hi guys,

noticed there was a whole lot of air bubbles at the bottom of my orange digi.. after using the turkey baster to gently get rid of the bubbles, saw that the flesh had receded.. anyone can help suggest what might be happening here?


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Depending on you nutirents level, that botak spot may have algae growing on it and it will be hard to recover that spot.

On a side note, based on your pic, i think your digi and bn are placed too close to each other. Better to give corals of different species some room apart unless u r doing some warfare experiment and see who wins. lol

Just have to keep reefing... cant stop now~!

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Yeah I am watching that botak spot everyday to ensure no algae... 

As for the positioning, it's the angle of the photo haha.. There's a couple of cm btwn them. Btw they won't warfare unless their polyps start to physically  touch each other rite?

Edited by JMW
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Technically yes. But some do display longer pe in the night (not for digi and radioactive bn though) but nevertheless an inch of space in between is better because u have to watch out for growth as well, constant repositioning of your sps has some impact too.

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Just have to keep reefing... cant stop now~!

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