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Weekly Update - 28th Sep to 4th Oct 2015

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Following list was lifted off Pacific Reef's FB page 


Philippines Shipment (28/09/2015)

Common Name Scientific Name Size

Spotted cardinal Sphaeramia Orbicularis 
Firefish Goby Nemateleotris magnifica M
Orbiculatus Bat Fish Platax Obicularis S
Diadema Grouper Pseudochromis Diadema 
Spider crab Meirephys oncinupus 
Nazarious shell Nassarius mutabilis 
Three Stripes Damsel Dascyllus Aruanus 
Saddle Carpet anemone Physobrachia Damasaya 
Egg Shark 
Tiger cowrie shell Cypraea tigris 
Pink Damsel Chrysiptera rex 
Purple sea slug Glossodoris Festiva 
Tricolor sea slug Hypselodoris tricolor 
Two Stripes Damsel DascylClus Reticulatus 
Crown shell Charonia tritones 
Green mandarin Synchiropus Splendidus L
Tomato Clown Amphi prion Frenatus L
Calappa crab Calappa lophos 
Neon goby Pholidichthys leucotaenia 
Red Scooter blenny Synchiropus Papilio 
Green mandarin Synchiropus Splendidus M
Turbo snail Tenctus fenestratus 
Tiger Sea Cucumber Holothuria thomasi 
Flame Scallop Phramantellum Vigens M
Black Percula Clown Amphiprion Latezonatus M
Starry blenny Salarais ramosus 
Maroon clown Premmas Biaculeatus S
Maroon clown Premmas Biaculeatus T
Running Crab Percmon gibbessi 
Red pistol shrimp Alpheus specie 
Tomato Clown Amphi prion Frenatus T
Basket starfish 
Red Marble Starfish Ophidiaster Fromia 
Orange Banded Pipe Dunkeracampus Sacthliophorus 
Tomato Clown Amphi prion Frenatus M
Pink wrasse Pseudocoris yamashioroi 
Orange Banded Pipe Dunkeracampus Sacthliophorus 
Blue Ribbon Eel Rhinomuraena Amboinensis 
Black Ribbon Eel Rhinomuraena Quaesita 
Brittle starfish Ophiarachna Incrassata 
Chocolate starfish Asterina Gibbosa 
Yellow box fish Ostracion Cubicus T
Banded sharpnose Wetmorella albofaciata 
Leopard wrasse Macropharryngodon Meleagris 
Orange Skunk Shrimp Hippolysmata Grabbrami M
Red parrot Cirrhilabrus Rubripiinis 
Blue parrot Cirrhilabrus Cyanopleura 
Pink Anthias Anthias Squamipmnis 
Spotfin anthias Anthias Squampinis 
Terry snapper M
Lipstick tang Naso Literatus M
Lineatus tang Acanthurus Liniatus M
Powderbrown tang Acanthurus Japonicus L
Powderbrown tang Acanthurus Japonicus S
Sailfin tang Zebrasuma Veliferus M
Sailfin tang Zebrasuma Veliferus S
Sailfin tang Zebrasuma Veliferus T
Yellow Tang Acanthurus Pyroferus L
Yellow Tang Acanthurus Pyroferus S
Yellow Fin Tang Ctenochaetus Teminiensis M
Blueface trigger-MALE Xanthichtys Auromarqinatus M
Blueface trigger-FEMALE Xanthichtys Auromarqinatus M
Harlequin Tuskfish Liemadella Fasciata L
Katherines wrasse Cirrhilabrus katherinae M
Katoi Fairy wrasse-male Cirrhilabrus katoi M
Clown Triggerfish Balistoides Conpicillum L
Clown Triggerfish Balistoides Conpicillum M
Humo-humo Trigger Rhinecanthus Aculeatus S
Multicolor wrasse-Male Pseudojuloides Erythrops 
Black Peacock Lion Pterois Volitans L
Pintail fairy wrasse Cirrhilabrus lanceolatus 
Garden Eel Heteroconger Halis 
Orange Skunk clown Amphirion Sandaracinos M
Ordinary Grouper S
Coral Beauty Angel Centropyge Bispinosos M
Yellow Angel Centropyge Heraldi M
Flagfin Angel (Juvenile) Apolemicthys Trimaculatus 
Gray Poma Angel (Juvenile) Chaetodontaplus Melanosoma 
Halfmoon Angel Holacanthus Venustus S
Yellow tail Poma Angel Chaetodontaplus Caeruleopunctatus L
Mask Swallow Angel-Female Genicanthus Semifaciatus M
Yellow Zebra Angel-Male Genicanthus Semifasciatus M
Masked Heniochus Heniochus Monocerus M
Bellus Angel (F) Genicanthus Bellus M
Yellow Bellus Angel (M) Genicanthus Bellus M
Blue Swallow Angel-(F) Genicanthus Watanabe S
Big eye Squirrel Holocentrus Hastatus S
Big eye Squirrel Holocentrus Hastatus L
Stripe Cardinal Apogon Compressus S
Porcupine puffer Diodon Holocanthus M
Yellow Longnose Butterfly Forcifiger Flavissimus M
Orna Butterfly Chaetodon Ornattissimus M
Punctato Butterfly Chaetodon Punctatofasciatus M
Red Checkered But. Chaetodon Xanthuros M

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Anyone knows how much the price is the price caribsea livesand at ahbeng(pacific reef)? I see most shops selling at $39 for 20pounds, not sure if there sell cheaper.


Sent from my GT-N7105 using Tapatalk



I think all sell the same price. 

Reefing since 2003
 4ft x 2ft x 2ft Mixed Reef (BB):-
50 Gal Sump,

Apex Controlled System (Lab grade),
Deltec SC1455 Protein Skimmer,
Vortech MP40wQD,

Jebao RW-15

Maxspect Razor 320w
Eheim 1260 Return Pump,
Hailea HS-66A 1/4HP chiller,
TLF Reactor 150, running HydroCarbon 


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anyone knows the price of regal angel nowadays?

Ah beng there also have yellow belly regel angel at $35 , grey belly at cheaper think $2×

Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk

Current Tank(s) :

2 x 1 x 1 mixed reef tank

What in my mind now (future tanks)

4 x 2.5 x 1.5 low profile coral tank

3 x 2.5 x 1.5 low profile reef tank

Decommissioned Tanks :

2 ft seahorse tank back in the 1990s'

2.5 ft cube mixed reef tank in 2007 to 2008

JBJ 28g Tank . Maxspect G1 110W + 12W DIY LED . Tunze 9002 Skimmer . Vortech MP10w ES . SPS only Tank . Picasso Clown Fish (2009 to 2011)

2 x 1 x 1 puffer-fishes, box-fishes & Frog-fish tank (2015)

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Anyone know how much the golden naso tang at sealife?

Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk

Current Tank(s) :

2 x 1 x 1 mixed reef tank

What in my mind now (future tanks)

4 x 2.5 x 1.5 low profile coral tank

3 x 2.5 x 1.5 low profile reef tank

Decommissioned Tanks :

2 ft seahorse tank back in the 1990s'

2.5 ft cube mixed reef tank in 2007 to 2008

JBJ 28g Tank . Maxspect G1 110W + 12W DIY LED . Tunze 9002 Skimmer . Vortech MP10w ES . SPS only Tank . Picasso Clown Fish (2009 to 2011)

2 x 1 x 1 puffer-fishes, box-fishes & Frog-fish tank (2015)

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Tomorrow noon:

Juvenile wrought iron butterflyfish (Chaetodon daedalma) (can be kept in SPS tanks as long temperature is around 25 degrees celcius or less), Semi-adult interruptus angelfish pair (only selling as pair), assorted deepwater critters.




Juvenile wrought irons will be priced the same as Japanese retail price which is a steal compared to prices overseas (see above) for a seasonal fish that only appears once a year. Juveniles adapt much better than adults which mostly die, even during domestic transport just after collection. This year collection has been extremely challenging due to typhoons. Interested parties contact Junkai at 90660450. Only 1 pc is still available, others have been pre-sold.


Wrought iron butterflyfish kept in reef tank:


Edited by Iwarna

Do refer to our Facebook Page : Iwarna Aquafarm

Pictures are uploaded there for new shipments. Thank you.


*We have strict reservation policies for livestock, please refer to our sponsor forum for more information.

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