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Sohal Tang Died

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Ahem... Dispar Anthias is a Tang Police candidate... ;)

I think what he is trying to say is that Tangs/Surgeonfish would require a larger tank with lots of swimming space to grow happily. Most people tend to stock large Tangs without realizing their needs.

Stress and aggression will cause most Tangs to perish quickly and a small tank is often a cause of it.

Your tank seems ok... with that much swimming space. But it also needs hiding spaces with lots of LR for tangs to hide from other more aggressive tangs for longer term viability.

Yeh, my intention is to have more LR on the left of the tank. Rearranging the said area will also re-distribute the territory.

I do my homework before I bought the naso. Both my yellow and blue tang are much smaller than the new naso that I have bought. So I think this should help.

I regret buying the sohal from the shop mentioned as I concluded that they did not quarantine or "dip" the fishes as the sohal die of icks and now my blue tang also have a bit already. It has been free of ick for the past 4 months until I introduce that sohal. :erm:

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Think u got the wrong idea of them being peaceful coz stated by "literatures" and they r easy to keep.

Yellow tang is semi-aggressive and it is aggressive towards its own species, or Tangs in general, and it is best to keep only one per tank. It needs a varied diet high in beta-carotene and vitamin C, and low in protein matter. To maintain its bright coloration, however, it must keep to a strict herbivore diet to prevent fading (tats not easy, lots of committment ;) ).

Blue tang is peaceful as it is tolerant of other tangs, but can occasionally be aggressive towards other Blue Tangs. It is more susceptible to lateral line disease, fin erosion, ich and other skin parasites than many other fish.

Naso tang is aggressive towards other tangs, but peaceful with other fish in the tank community.

Lastly, u added an aggressive fish (Sohal). The Sohal Tang is hardy, but susceptible to a disease known as Lateral Line erosion, or Hole in the Head. A vegetarian diet high in vitamins, especially beta-carotene can aid in the prevention of development of the disease. Stray voltages are also thought to contribute to this disease and the grounding probe may be beneficial.

Sohal Tangs are very aggressive. They should not be kept with other Tangs or Wrasse species. They tend to be well-behaved with old tank mates, but try to kill any new additions. They are only suited for large aquariums with other aggressive fish. They do fairly well in very large reef systems with no other Tangs, and plenty of swimming room


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Ahem... Dispar Anthias is a Tang Police candidate... ;)

I think what he is trying to say is that Tangs/Surgeonfish would require a larger tank with lots of swimming space to grow happily. Most people tend to stock large Tangs without realizing their needs.

Stress and aggression will cause most Tangs to perish quickly and a small tank is often a cause of it.

Your tank seems ok... with that much swimming space. But it also needs hiding spaces with lots of LR for tangs to hide from other more aggressive tangs for longer term viability.

thanks you AT for helping me explain...... Aiyah english better surely helps alot

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