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Dosing of Coral Food


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Wish to understand more options on dosing coral food and proper way of dosing it, right amount and the frequency.

Just to share what I do, may not be 'proper', but anyway, using goniopower every 3 days. Off the pump, target feed over the corals that you want to feed.

Amount I guess is a gd question, I'm always tempted to put more but am cautious to foul the water. So my amount is about two squirts with turkey basher.

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  • SRC Member
Just to share what I do, may not be 'proper', but anyway, using goniopower every 3 days. Off the pump, target feed over the corals that you want to feed.

Amount I guess is a gd question, I'm always tempted to put more but am cautious to foul the water. So my amount is about two squirts with turkey basher.

Don't over dose or ur no3 will shoot very high

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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  • SRC Member

Just to share what I do, may not be 'proper', but anyway, using goniopower every 3 days. Off the pump, target feed over the corals that you want to feed.

Amount I guess is a gd question, I'm always tempted to put more but am cautious to foul the water. So my amount is about two squirts with turkey basher.


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there was once i probe a guy from a fish shop if those coral food they are selling really useful or in fact is the coral even getting it. the answer is gold. they never once dose such coral food in their display tank before. and all their corals is as beautiful and healthy, of cause. so, it's really grey if such "food" is even needed in the first place.

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The detailed mechanics of food capture & relationship to coral growth & health I'm not sure if it's available to the hobby, maybe the experts can chime in..

but if we search around, the general consensus is as long as the coral species is photosynthetic, its zooxanthellae makes most of its food using light. Corals will, however, also 'benefit' if fed too. I see the word 'benefit' used quite abit when it comes to this topic in several online sources.. I wouldn't be surprised cos corals in the wild feed on plankton don't they? Coral food to some extent is a plankton mix.

what corals are you contemplating to offer food to btw?

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I only target feed my torch and blasto with pellets or mysis once a week... very little also, maybe 10-15 pellets worth? And every month just dose some plankton also, although that's more for my pods to eat. My softies i don't feed at all. Apparently, the only benefit of feeding is to boost the growth rate. It's like you drink protein shake to be a muscle man, or don't and just be normal man.  

Unless your corals are non-photosynthetic like Sun coral, then you really need to feed or else they will not grow at all.

Edited by tuajia
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