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location of sim lim lights shop (DIy)


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  • SRC Member
As above ,.. i heard that there is a shop at Sim lim that sell e-ballest, end caps. wires and thing for Diy lights,,,I need to know what is the address of that shop.. THANKS a MILLION.. :lol:

eh i aso wana diy my t5. jus realised dat i was born into a family of engineers. my dad fixed my spoilt pl aredi :P

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  • SRC Member

I bought my Osram eballasts from them at a good rate for my four tubes of T5s and I understand quite a number of them buying stuff to diy their metal halides and Uncle also brought in mh bulbs too...

Number is here, why dun call to confirm before getting down... :rolleyes:

I only remembered fondly of the good service as he answered a lot of questions that a technical ###### electronic-goondu would have asked... :paiseh:

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  • SRC Member

good service? LOL. I doubt so if u didnt buy. I once seen them scolding a customer when he wanna discount. and many times they ignored customer if looked like not buying. they do sell mh but not expert. they had given many wrong infos to me after I have checked with few fellow reefers. I advised too ring up and check up what u want b4 going down. BTW their lightings of aquarium are limited stocks and u cant get everything u want there.

flub, I doubt ur t5 is 10k kelvin as they dont sell it. theirs is 6500 kelvin t5

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  • SRC Member
good service? LOL. I doubt so if u didnt buy. I once seen them scolding a customer when he wanna discount. and many times they ignored customer if looked like not buying. they do sell mh but not expert. they had given many wrong infos to me after I have checked with few fellow reefers. I advised too ring up and check up what u want b4 going down. BTW their lightings of aquarium are limited stocks and u cant get everything u want there.

flub, I doubt ur t5 is 10k kelvin as they dont sell it. theirs is 6500 kelvin t5

Oh...thanks for telling but my T5s not from them so they wun score a discredit in this case... :P

My T5s are the ATIs type. Do you happen to have bad vibes about them too? :rolleyes:

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  • SRC Member
:/ u must be pathetic. :(*

I always go there to buy things. once a week

Sad to say...I am...extremely... :(

You are so rich...fancy going there to buy things every week... :shock::bow:

And I also feel very funny that on one hand...you said their service sucks but on the otherhand, you are one of their regulars... :o:huh:

Are you so desperate that you must really get things from their shop even when you dun like their service?

Anyway, let cease now as I believe we are digressing too much liao and all Giantbicycle wants is only their contact. He didn't even ask for opinion of the shop... :P

Giantbicycle...solie...I too kaypo liao... :paiseh:

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  • SRC Member
oh no!!! i sense a war of words here. :o

what's getting into everyone recently??? :huh:

must be the bad weather!!! :lol:


relax...bro...just an intellectual sharing of ideas... :P

No need any damage control... :lol::lol::lol:

I can attribute it to PMS but I can't say the same of our dear Ben... :lol::lol::lol:

Hey...Ben..hope you can take a joke... :peace:

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haha..when there today...it depends. ;) .he is not totally good nor totally bad character... Must see the way how you apporoach him..He treated me very friendly today,, and We sat down together and discussed my idea on how to DIY my own MH..and HE did a good job..$190 DIY MH..on the spot .. :lol::lol::lol::lol::thanks: all replies .. :thanks::peace:

flubberina13 dont be shy or pai seh..haha... :lol::thanks:

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  • SRC Member

Thanks for affirming...pal... :peace:

So guys...if you were those whom Ben said got the cold treatment, you will know who to ask to accompany you there... :eyebrow::eyebrow:

Giantbicycle...this is called scoring bull's eye with my arrow... :lol::lol::lol:

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  • 5 years later...

Why you need cold cathode lights?

6.5 * 2 * 2 + 3.75 * 1.5 *1.5,(Decomn on 14/9/08)
4*2*2 + 2.5*1.25*1.25 (Decomn on 1/8/09)
5*2*2 (Fully LED light system, 140 3 watt SSC leds with 60 degree lens)(Decomm)
2.5*2*2(Fully LED Light System,96 3 watt SSC leds with 60 degree lens)(Decomm)

5*2.5*2(LED only)

Eheim return 1 * pump

1 HP Daikin compressor with cooling coil
2 Jebao OW40, 1 ecotech MP40,
1X6085 Tunze wm,

1 CURVE 7 Skimmer

  1 DIY 80 led control by Bluefish mini 

1 radion XR30W G2, 2 Radion XR15G3

Sump area lite by 5 ft T5 , 6 * SSC 3 watt red LED for refugium

1 Full spectrum E27 led light

1 CR control by bubble count

Start No Water Change since 1st Dec 2016

Add new 2.5x2x 1.5 ft 



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