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Ammonia,Nitrate and Nitrite

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Hi all, saw alot of threads saying to bring nitrite down to zero or rather undectable...

How to go about doing it?

I know so far that filter systems can turn ammonia and nitrate into nitrite, so there's still nitrite?

How do explain yellowing water?

I do water changes 40% to 50% weekly. What could be wrong? I have sky high ammonia and nitrite. I have 2 common clowns and a couple of corals.

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  • SRC Member

Hi wrassy,

wat filtration u using?

The nitrogen cycle is ammonia(NH4), nitrite(NO2), nitrate(NO3) to nitrogen(N).

From yr description, seems like yr tank is not even cycled. Yr filtration isn't even up. Try to move yr livestock to someone tank while u can reset yr system or let your tank finish cycle first. :nuke:

U can add carbon to remove the yellow tint. I think u have a dyed anemone, then its most likely the anemone releasing back the yellow dye into the water. :evil:

Get the basic right & u can save the trouble of frequent water changes. :idea:

Wei :lol:

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  • SRC Member

Hi wrassy,

u need to first know wat kind of filtration u want to use. a berlin style, DSB, plenum, trickle filter or canister. From wat i gathered, u doesn't have a primary filtration in yr system. So i dunno how to advise to remedy. U need to have a primary filtration. a bigboy overhead filter is definately not enough. I would go for overskimming for this tank as it will be a lot easier to maintain for such a small water vol for someone new. :nuke:

U have the equipments but u seems not knowing the purposes & use of it. Sorry if i sound harsh. Try to get some books on basic of setting up a marine aquarium & learn the fundmental first. Then start all over again or correct the error in yr current system. Failure is the mother of all success. :idea:

Wei :peace:

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  • SRC Member

Hi Wrassy, I think there is a little mix up here. The nitrogen cycle is from Ammonia/ammonium (NH3/NH4) to nitrite(NO2) to nitrate(NO3). You have any sand or LR? Whats your circulation like? :huh:

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  • SRC Member
my newly set up 1mth tank got brown aglae already.. how to control????? clean the tank wall myself or leave it? or buy a tang fish?

Diatoms are algae that use up most of the sillicate in your water. If you do not add more sillicates via tap/mineral water, they will die off in a month or two's time. Having a sudden growth of them is normal for new tanks.

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