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Flame Angel not feeding


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  • SRC Member


I bought a flame angel about a week back. On the first few days, it was chased around by my purple tang. I managed to catch the purple tang and isolated it in a plastic container in the main tank. However, my flame angel is still hiding behind the live rocks and does not come out to feed. It's still alive, saw it yesterday hiding behing the rocks. I'm very concerned. Any advise.


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  • SRC Member
how long has it been hiding like that? Give it some time as it has been traumatized by the situation. I understand it has not fed yet right? You will need to keep the purple away and try and temp it out from it's hiding area.

Been like that for the past few days. Thanx for all the advise.

Will try to find a female flame wearing g-string to temp it out. Saw one at Newton the other nite, except that she was not wearing g-string and had flesh showing everywhere :evil: . What a 'FLAME' Angel :upsidedown:

Still not forgetting the sight, that's y I was so tempted to mention it as soon as I saw the word tempt

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  • SRC Member
Will try to find a female flame wearing g-string to temp it out. Saw one at Newton the other nite, except that she was not wearing g-string and had flesh showing everywhere :evil: . What a 'FLAME' Angel :upsidedown:

Still not forgetting the sight, that's y I was so tempted to mention it as soon as I saw the word tempt

*pengz* :P:P

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  • SRC Member

I bought a flame angel about a week back. On the first few days, it was chased around by my purple tang. I managed to catch the purple tang and isolated it in a plastic container in the main tank. However, my flame angel is still hiding behind the live rocks and does not come out to feed. It's still alive, saw it yesterday hiding behing the rocks. I'm very concerned. Any advise.


Dun worry too much, tat fella will be grazing ard LRs and do eat only when food happens to be floaing infront of it. But ur PT sure stressed him out. :pinch: Give it sometime, the other alternative is to catch it and put in an container and coax it to eat if u can catch him :evil:


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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  • SRC Member
simple .... catch it then put into MY tank ... confirm start feeding ....

hahha...yah. Might as well put it back in mine. He juz miz hm, tats all :evil:


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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