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Small lump/growth on Perc Clown

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I've had 3 fishes in total departing me one by one in the past 4 days. Now I am only left with a pair of True Perc Clown. I do not know the cause and only noted that it is possible bacteria infection on the mouth. All fishes that died had open mouth.

I just noticed a small lump/growth on the underside of the female perc clown. Both clowns are still feeding as of tonite.

I have been using Seachem Garlic guard for their every meal since day 1. The 2 Perc clowns have been in the tank for 3-4 weeks.

My Tank parameters now are

Salinity: 1.023

No2: 0 (Was 0.1 two days ago)


PH 8.2


What should I do? Any effective way to cure this? What disease is this?Thanks alot. Really desperate now. Dont want to lose my last 2 fishes.

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  • SRC Member

Hi, my three Perc Clown also got the same illness. Sometime it's the water conditions/perimeters not rite. U are rite to do a partial water change and continue to give treatments. Are there any HC/SC or other fishes that died or is dying? Might help by removing them.

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  • SRC Member

fish dead with open mouth doesnt means they have mouth illness. humans do die with open mouth too and doesnt means they died of mouth illness too. mouth open is due to pain agony felt when the fish is dying. maybe its ulcer or aids, LOL

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I have been dozing Myxazin in my tank (recommended dosage) for my True Perc that is down with Ulcer for the last 60 hours. Protein Skimmer has been off throughout this period.

The situation seems to be improving but abeit slowly. Can anyone advise how long this healing process will likely take?

Do I continue to dose Myxazin? When should I be stopping? The instructions on the medication is to stop only 2 days after the ulcer disappear.

Should I be performing any water change or should I be waiting until after the medication stops?

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