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My Slice of Nature (Part 2)


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4 hours ago, yukok.lim08 said:

Webt to madpetz today and goldpots is out of stock. I think after this post this wild goji will oos very soon. This is to replace the daily pellet?

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Lol....surely its not just because of the post here. BTW, you can try contacting other places that may carry the Goldpods ( eg.  Aquarium Artist or Fishy Business).

For the Wild Goji, it'll probably work fine as a daily pellet but personally, I'm using it to supplement other meat/protein based diet.

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On 7/27/2016 at 5:50 PM, SubzeroLT said:

I mentioned earlier about Bryopsis growing in the tank. It grew like crazy after being away on 2 separate overseas trip. It got out of hand & grew between zoanthids, on the shell of my maxima clam & grew so tall to block light from the SPS frags.



Used Hydrogen peroxide to clear them slowly over a one week period. Did 1 rock every alternate day. Not all at one go.

Removed all corals from each large rock & dripped hydrogen peroxide onto it externally. This was one of the reasons why i didn't epoxy the rocks together - to have the option of taking rocks out for such drastic action


One particular rock had an un-removable Maxima clam & colony of True Rasta. Here are some pics of the process :


Diluted the H2O2 to about 5% concentration



Pulled out as much hair algae / bryopsis manually as possible. Good time to scrape away the bubble algae. That's a clam submerged in the tub of water.



Dripped H2O2 onto the rock, clam. You can see the algae bubbling away. Good riddance.



There were several patches on rocks in the tank that could not be removed. Stopping all the pumps, some hydrogen peroxide were injected directly onto the bryopsis. Being cautious, max 5ml only.



No casualty. Clam is so clean now. 100% of zoanthids opened after 3 days.

And all bryopsis cleared :) 







any idea why a sudden surge of hair algae / bryopsis

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