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Weekly Update - 06th to 12th July 2015

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Anywhere in the east with the usual lps corals? Haha

Fresh fishes and inverts! What's next? To the salty side of marine of course!:)

"Never to part, lest jealous heaven stole our hearts"

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carribean shipment arrive tomorrow 7:00 pm.we close @8:00 pm.

candy basslet

french angel-small

french angel-large

queen angel-medium

queen angel-large

rock beauty-small

blackcap basslet

swissguard basslet

chalk basslet

royal gramma

sailfin blenny

neon goby

propagated purple candelabra

blue hamlet

cuban hogfish

pink ricordea

atlantic blue tang-medium

Do refer to our Facebook Page : Iwarna Aquafarm

Pictures are uploaded there for new shipments. Thank you.


*We have strict reservation policies for livestock, please refer to our sponsor forum for more information.

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Pacific Reef

Philippines Shipment (08/07/2015)

(Common name ) (Scientific name)
Diadema Grouper Pseudochromis diadema
Straberry Grouper Pseudochromis purpureus
Bumble Bee Shell
Firefish Goby Nemateleotris magnifica
Flame Goby (M) Nemateleotris decora
Nasarious Shell
Blue Damsel Chryseptera cyanea
Chocolate Damsel
Three Stripe Damsel
Red Spotted Cardinal Sphaeramia nematoptera
Sea Hares Slugs
Cowrie Shell Cenypraea sp.
Flame Scallop Shlamys pallium/Promantellus
Marble Wrasse Cheilinus fasciatus
Leopard Wrasse Anampses lennardi
Black Wrasse
Tomato Clown (S) Amphiprion frenatus
Sailfin Tang (S) Zebrasoma desjardinii
Twin Spot Wrasse (M) Coris aygula
Multicolor Wrasse (female) Cirrhilabrus sp.
Snowflakes Eel Gymnothorax sp.
Randal Anthias (female)
Coral Hogfish (M) Bodianus mesothorax
Yellow Fin Tang (M)
Punctato Butterfly (M) Chaetodon punctatofasciatus
Red Checkered Butterfly (M)
Yellow Angel (M) Centropyge heraldi
Powder Brown Tang (M) Acanthurus japonicus
Blue Face Trigger (male) Xanthicthys aureomarginatus
Blue Face Trigger (female) Xanthicthys aureomarginatus
Japanese Swallow Angel (M) Genicanthus melanospilus
Watanabe Angel (female) Genicanthus watanabei
Watanabe Angel (male) Genicanthus watanabei
Harliquen Tusk (adult) Lienardella fasciata
Clown Trigger (M) Ballistoides conspicillum
Betamarine Grouper (S) Calloplesiops altivelis
Sailfin Tang (M) Zebrasoma desjardinii
Coral Beauty Angel (M) Centropyge bispinosus
Halfmoon Angel (M) Holacanthus Venustus
African Clown Amphiprion clarkii

Reefing since 2003
 4ft x 2ft x 2ft Mixed Reef (BB):-
50 Gal Sump,

Apex Controlled System (Lab grade),
Deltec SC1455 Protein Skimmer,
Vortech MP40wQD,

Jebao RW-15

Maxspect Razor 320w
Eheim 1260 Return Pump,
Hailea HS-66A 1/4HP chiller,
TLF Reactor 150, running HydroCarbon 


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Pacific Reef(FB page)

Bali Shipment (09/07/2015)

Common Name Scientific Name

Bicolor Angelfish M Centropyge Bicolor
Bicolor Angelfish S Centropyge Bicolor
Pottery Angelfish Centropyge Eibli
Blue Pygmy Angelfish Centropyge Flavicauda
Midnight Angelfish Centropyge Nox
Melas Angelfish Centropyge Tibicen
Half Black Angelfish Centropyge Vroliki
Singapore Angelfish MS Chaetodontoplus Mesoleucus
Indian Yellowtail Angelfish L/M Apolemichthys Xanthurus
Six Bar Angelfish juv L/M Euxiphipops Sextriatus
Stripe Swallow Angelfish L Genicanthus Lamarck
Stripe Swallow Angelfish M Genicanthus Lamarck
Stripe Swallow Angelfish S Genicanthus Lamarck
Emperor Angelfish juv L/M Pomacanthus Imperator
Blue Koran Angelfish juv M Pomacanthus Semicirculatus
Blue Koran Angelfish juv S Pomacanthus Semicirculatus
Regal Angelfish L Pygoplites Diacanthus
Regal Angelfish L/M Pygoplites Diacanthus
Warty Anglerfish L/M Antennarius Maculatus
Color Anglerfish M Antennarius species
Black Anglerfish M Antennarius species
Color Anglerfish M (YELLOW) Antennarius species
Cultured Long Finned Batfish Platax Pinnatus
Citron Butterflyfish S Chaetodon Citrinellis
Copperband Butterflyfish L/M Chaetodon Rostratus
Lined Butterflyfish S Chaetodon Lineolatus
Copperband Butterflyfish S Chaetodon Rostratus
Mirror Butterflyfish M Chaetodon Speculum
Long Nose Butterflyfish Forcipiger Flavissimus
Moorish Idol Zanclus Canescens
Clark's Anemonefish Amphiprion Clarkii
Black Phantom Percula Clown Amphiprion Percula
False Skunk Clown Amphiprion Peridaraion
Sebae's Anemonefish Amphiprion Sebae
Green Chromis Chromis Viridis
Blue Damsel Chryspitera Cyanea
Kupang Yellowtail Damsel Chrysiptera hemicyanea
Yellow Tail Damsel Chrysiptera Parasema
Talbot's Damsel Chrysiptera Talboti
Three stripe Damsel Dascylus Aruanus
Four Stripe Damsel Dascylus Melanurus
Domino Damsel Dascylus Trimaculatus
Allen's Pomacentrus Pomacentrus alleni
Yellow Bellied Damsel Pomacentrus Coelestis
Two Colored Blenny (Red Tail) Ecsenius Bicolor
Forktail Blenny Meiacanthus Atrodorsalis
Grammistes Blenny Meiacanthus Grammistes
Smith's Blenny Meiacanthus Smithii
Banded Blenny Salarias Fasciatus
Orange Spoted Goby Amblyeleotris Guttata
Orange Stripe Prawn Goby Amblyeleotris Randali
Steinitz's Shrimp Goby Amblyeleotris Steinitzi
Orangemarked Goby Amblygobius Decussatus
Hector's Goby Amblygobius Hectori
Banded Goby Amblygobius Phalaena
Rainford's Goby Amblygobius Rainfordi
Pinkbar Goby Cryptocentrus Aurora
Leopard Rock Skipper Exallias Brevis
Yellow Clown Goby Gobiodon Okinawae
Green Clown Goby Gobiodon histrio
Red Clown Goby Gobiodon histrio
Assorted Clown Goby Gobiodon species
Tangora Shrimp Goby Gtenogobiops Tangaroai
Decorated Fire Nemateleotris Decora
Spottail Gudgeon Ptereleotris Evides
Pale Gudgeon Ptereleotris Heteropterus
Two Spot Goby Signigobius Biocellatus
Black Stripe Shrimp Goby Stonogobiops Nematodes
Orange Spoted Prawn Goby Valencienna Puellaris
Ladder Glider Valencienna Sexgutata
Oriental Flyng Gunard Dactyloptene Orientalis
Green Mandarin Synchiropus Splendidus
Spoted Mandarin Synchiropus Picturatus
Hass's Garden Eel Heteroconger Hassi
Imelda's Seaperch Mirolabrichthys Imeldae
Red Sea Lyre Tail Anthias Male Pseudanthias Squampinnis
Red Sea Lyre Tail Anthias Female Pseudanthias Squampinnis
Yellow Anthias Pseudanthias taira
Bali Lunate Anthias Pseudanthias cf lunulatus
Pink Anthias Pseudanthias hypselosoma
Royal Dottyback Pseudochromis Paccagnellae
Bandit Dottyback Pseudochromis splendens
Fumanchu Lionfish Dendrochirus Biocellatus
Dwarf Lionfish Dendrochirus Zebra
Peacock Lionfish M Pterois Miles
Peacock Lionfish S Pterois Miles
Leaf Scorpionfish Taenionotus triacanthus
Phanter Grouper L/M Chromileptis Altivelis
Spoted Grunt L/M Plectorhinchus Chaetodonides
Spoted Grunt S Plectorhinchus Chaetodonides
Stripe Sweetlips Plectorhinchus Diagrammus
Red-spot Cardinalfish Apogon parvulus
Banggai Cardinalfish L/M Pterapogon Kaudernii
Indian Threadfin Alectis Indicus
Flounder Fish Bhotus species
Coral Rabbitfish M Siganus Corallinus
Double-bar Rabbitfish M Siganus virgatus
Whiptail Threadfin Bream Pentapodus nemurus
Short Nose Puffer Arothron Hispidus
Yellow Dog Face Puffer M Arothron Nigropunctatus
Blue Spotted Sharp Puffer Canthigaster Epilamprus
False Eye Toby Canthigaster Solandri
Valentini Puffer Canthigaster Valentini
Porcupine Puffer Diodon Holocanthus
Long Horn Cowfish L/M Lactoria Cornuta
Mimic Tang S Acanthurus Chronixis
Powder Blue Tang L Acanthurus Leucosternon
Powder Blue Tang M Acanthurus Leucosternon
Clown Surgeon S Acanthurus Lineatus
Convict Tang S Acanthurus Triostegus
Lipstic Tang L Naso Lituratus
Lipstic Tang M Naso Lituratus
Lipstic Tang juvenille Naso Lituratus
Yellow Lipstic Tang (var) L Naso Lituratus
Yellow Lipstic Tang (var) M Naso Lituratus
Vlaming's Unicornfish S Naso vlamingii
Unicorn Tang L Naso Unicornis
Blue Tang L Paracanthurus Hepatus
Blue Tang ML Paracanthurus Hepatus
Blue Tang MS Paracanthurus Hepatus
Brown Sailfin Tang S Zebrasoma Scopas
Pasific Sailfin Tang M Zebrasoma Veliferum
Green Filefish Monacanthus chinensis
Red Tail File Pervagor Melanocephalus
Australian Banded Pipefish Coryhoidis Intestinalis
Banded Pipefish Doryrhamphus Dactyliophorus
Black & White Snapper juv Macolor Niger
Naoko's Fairy Wrasse male Cirrhilabrus Naokoae
Blue Fairy Wrasse Cirrhilabrus Cyanopleura
Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse Cirrhilabrus Lubbocki
Red Head Fairy Wrasse Cirrhilabrus Solorensis
Yellow-fin Fairy Wrasse Cirrhilabrus Filamentosus
Indian Exquisite Fairy Wrasse Cirrhilabrus exquisites
Red Coris juv. M Coris Gaimard Africana
Red Coris juv. S Coris Gaimard Africana
Yellow Tail Cleaner Wrasse Diproctacanthus Xanthurus
Green Wrasse Halichoeres Chloropterus
Yellow Coris Halichoeres Chrysus
Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse Labroides Dimidiatus
Dragon Wrasse Navaculichthys Taeniourus
Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse Paracheilinus carpenteri
Six Line Wrasse Pseudocheilinus Hexataenia
Green Parrotfish Scarus Gibbus
Parrotfish M Scarus species
Eclipse Hogfish Bodianus Mesothorax
Blue Line Triggerfish M Pseudobalistes Fuscus
Red Majestic Shrimp Enoplometapus Occidentallis
Peacock Mantis Shrimp Odontodactylus Scyllarus
Anemone Shrimp Periclimenes Brevicapalis
Camel Shrimp Rhynchocinetes Durbanensis
Banded Shrimp Stenopus Hispidus
Ambonian Shrimp Thor Amboinensis
Boxer Crab Lybia tesselata
Zebra Crab Zebrida adamsii
Spanish Dancer Hexabranchus Sanguinus
Magnificent Slug Chromodoris magnifica
Sea Hare M Dolabrifera dolabrifera
Nassa Snail Nassarius sp.
Assorted Colored Feather Star Comanthus Benneti
Blue Star Linckia laevigata
Blue Star L/XL Linckia laevigata
Red Star Linckia laevigata
Color Tip Star (Red) Linckia multifora
Color Tip Star (Orange) Linckia multifora
Bali Sea Star / Apple Star Culcita sp.
Chocolate Chip Star Protoreaster nodosus
Red / Orange Chocolate Chip Star Protoreaster nodosus
White Sand Star Archaster typicus
Sand Tube Worm (Red) Sabella species
Green-core Cerianthus Cerianthus membranaceus
Pink Anemone Condylactis Passifora
Red Bubble tip Anemone Entacmaea quadricolor
Beaded Tentacles Anemone Heteractis aurora
Long Tentacle Anemone Macrodactyla doreensis
Orange Anemone Condylactis Passifora
Yellow Anemone Condylactis Passifora
Green Carpet Anemone Stichodadtyla gigantea
Common Carpet Anemone Stichodadtyla gigantea

Reefing since 2003
 4ft x 2ft x 2ft Mixed Reef (BB):-
50 Gal Sump,

Apex Controlled System (Lab grade),
Deltec SC1455 Protein Skimmer,
Vortech MP40wQD,

Jebao RW-15

Maxspect Razor 320w
Eheim 1260 Return Pump,
Hailea HS-66A 1/4HP chiller,
TLF Reactor 150, running HydroCarbon 


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philippine shipment arrive today

black percula clown s

yellowtail blue damsel

sixline wrasse

orange skunk shrimp s

percula clown m

percula clown s

banded pipefish

ordinary pipefish

blue lobster

blue starfish

red starfish

african clown

blue damsel

blue fin damsel

yellow damsel

blue line trigger s

queen trigger s

red lobster

saddle clown

green chromis l

lemon damsel

blue face trigger female

clown trigger s

green chromis

powder brown tang s

dragon wrasse

tomato clown s

unicorn file

red tail file

starry blenny

multi color wrasse male

multi color wrasse

melas angel m

diamond butterfly m

yellow boxfish

ordinary goatfish

rabbit fish ordinary

blue tang m

royal flasher female

bubble anemone

ordinary goatfish

pilot fish s

half moon angel s

yellow angel s

diamond butterfly m
antenna goby

coral beauty angel s

lizard blenny (red)

banded angel m

emperor angel baby

emperor angel juv.s

yellow longnose butterfly m

banded pifefish(orange)

blue swallow angel female

mask swallow angel

regal angel juv.s

moorish idol butterfly m

red checkered butterfly s

Do refer to our Facebook Page : Iwarna Aquafarm

Pictures are uploaded there for new shipments. Thank you.


*We have strict reservation policies for livestock, please refer to our sponsor forum for more information.

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