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Water Parameter, is that all good?

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Anyone for a feedback on schrimps and sick anemone? :)

Hi bro,

Shrimps I'm not sure. I can't have shrimps inside my tank cos will most likely end up in one of the wrasse stomach

The sick anemone as long as it's feeding it will be alright. Leave it to recover. I had 1 before and was also sick until it went under a pcs of rocks. I tot it will melt away however after months it's still there. Tried to flip the rock so that the RTBA receive light but it move over another pcs of rocks. *headache*

If u are worried about the pale out color that will required some times for it to come back depending on water condition. My understanding is that anemone are not the easiest to take care animal. Required matured tank bla bla bla. I have my phobia on anemone, apparently my own experience is that each and anemone (RTBA) behaves differently some prefer low light some high light and also waves etc I can never figure out what they really want. Just to "princess" for me

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Hey bro.

Thanks for your reply! Ok lah, I will wait for the anemone to recover slowly. The tentacles are too small for it to feed directly, so I put small piece of shrimp into the mouth.

Today another headach...everything was alright, but I started to notice that my poor starfish was becoming a bit "frozen" like, seems to be all straight and very hard. Some "rotting" on the top of its body also, and a arm that was behaving wrongly. This morning, the hermit crab got a big piece of the starfish arm in his claw and was happily eating it. All my water parameters are perfect, except maybe a low magnesium, but the rest is nice in the ideal range.

I tried to make some research online, and found out that maybe my poor starfish is starving. Tried to directly feed it with shrimp, putting it below its mouth, but, it has not taken it. Tried again this morning with salad...lol. Still not taken it. And my cleaning shrimp went to steal it anyway. Also happy.

Any reco? I really need help. The starfish you can see it in the pictures above. Seems to be a basic red cleaning starfish;

New Hobby lah - discovering...learning fast (or at least trying to learn fast)

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Lost second arm today, snatched by the Hermit Crab.
I think it is about to die..

Need to understand how to care for a seastar. Help!!!!

New Hobby lah - discovering...learning fast (or at least trying to learn fast)

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  • 2 weeks later...

The seastar died. I also lost a snail who went suiciding over the aquarium...thought it was still alive but after leaving it a night in the aquarium, the hermit started eating it. Boah...
An aquarium is a real jungle

New Hobby lah - discovering...learning fast (or at least trying to learn fast)

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Good news, my 2 anemone are fine.

The bleached one is recovering and starts gaining color! that's cool

Nice to know that :)

good job! Red sea star are not very difficult to upkeep IMO. take note to acclimatize them properly.

They are sensitive to sudden changes in water condition be it salinity, ph or even oxygen level. usually a more mature tank is required for keeping them. It also feed on algae. Your rocks in the pic look too clean for them. Since u are keeping anemone I suggest u don't add this seastar. There's a chance that they eat your anemone

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  • 2 weeks later...
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bro to my understanding, the water current should be in one direction flow ie. from the inlet, to wave maker and to outlet. it should be in a clockwise manner so your water will circulate well. 

as for many bros here using distilled water, this really puzzled me to the rational behind it. sea salt contains all the nutrients and anti chlorine to make tap water immediately safe for reef. I've been using tap water for both my tanks hence i really wish to learn more about the need of using special water instead.   

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Hello there.

A quick update. I shall post pictures later.

The starfish is dead, found out that this starfish is not suitable for aquarium, it dies from starvation and you need a huge tank to substain it.

The sick transparent anemone is slowly recovering with green colors coming back! Now hosted again by an anemone fish.

All water parameters are great. 

Still looking for someone to adopt my hermit crab. I don't want to release it in SG water, it would probably die.

Wondering if SG is warmer nowadays, my fresh water reserve tank is depleting very quickly, almost 1.5l a day. Evaporation from main tank seems to be strong.

One of my anemone worm has been eaten by the hermit crab. 


I now change 7.5l every 2 weeks. Seems to be sufficiant to maintain a healthy tank.


New Hobby lah - discovering...learning fast (or at least trying to learn fast)

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Hi Guys,

Need help for ID and care. Added 2 corals (LPS - both seems to have a calcium structure though), not sure if they feed with light and good water parameters or if they need direct feeding with roti feast or phyto feast. 

First one - Been in the tank for 3 days, looks happy.398212IMG0713.jpg

Second One - Been in the tank also for 3 days, at night, it seems to open with tentacles...not sure.

Here are some pics about the sicl anemone, that recovers slowly. I have been feeding shrimp once a week for the last 2 months. It used to be 100% transparent, even under blue light. Now, it seems to be glowing green again, a good sign!




General view



Thanks for your help

New Hobby lah - discovering...learning fast (or at least trying to learn fast)

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bro to my understanding, the water current should be in one direction flow ie. from the inlet, to wave maker and to outlet. it should be in a clockwise manner so your water will circulate well. 

as for many bros here using distilled water, this really puzzled me to the rational behind it. sea salt contains all the nutrients and anti chlorine to make tap water immediately safe for reef. I've been using tap water for both my tanks hence i really wish to learn more about the need of using special water instead.   

Why we dont use tap water for our reef tanks:



Edited by Rainmakersg
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I use Life water with instant ocean salt. Change 7.5l per 2 weeks. My parameters are good. 

As for feeding, decided to mix rotifeast and a small piece of shrimp shredded in tiny pieces, mixed it with tank water and spread it with a direct feeding devise onto the tentacles. The Lobo loved it and closed down. 
As for the Gonio, it seems to be hard to take, maybe I have to direct feed on every tube...will figure this out. 

New Hobby lah - discovering...learning fast (or at least trying to learn fast)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey there!

Quick update on my reef. Everything is alright...Parameters are now pretty much stable. Just got an issue with the auto topper...that flooded my main tank with fresh distilled water, hence density dropped to 1.023. But back to normal, slowly. Only the Anemone reacted to those new parameters so far.
I now feed my tank with pellets, roti feast and phytofeast, randomly I would say. I have also added some mysis shrimps and big raw shrimps cut in small size. 

Have removed my hermit crab, returned it to the shop. And now, the reef looks like heaven. No more disturbance from a climbing monkey!






Edited by NeBu

New Hobby lah - discovering...learning fast (or at least trying to learn fast)

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I need urgent help.
My gonio and the green coral (above -- no ID) are dying. They start decomposing...they seemed to be fine for 1 or 2 weeks, now the gonio does not open so much anymore and the green one is decomposing. Any idea why?
My parameters are alright, just changed 10% of water 1 week ago and did a 20% today. 
The water is a bit milky...but fishes, other corals, anemone and other stuffs seem to be alright!



New Hobby lah - discovering...learning fast (or at least trying to learn fast)

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If possible do provide the temperature of the water.  Green coral you mean frogspawn coral?  
Maybe you can try to take out and dip coral revive to see does it help to kill any parasite in the coral. 
 If your clown is hosting on the coral it can also be a reason for its death.

Try not to put lps on the sandbed. Sand is always a factor killing corals. (imo)

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Hey Bros,

So, actually my water temperature has always been stable, like 26.8 to 27.2. 
But, I have actually noticed that my Phosphate were 3mg/l...way too high and my Nitrate around 50. Too high also, over feeding; Maybe it explains the reaction of the corals, dying.

Your thoughts?
Now oversees...the tank is operating alone...hope it will be fine when I am back.

New Hobby lah - discovering...learning fast (or at least trying to learn fast)

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