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Filter socks versus filter wool

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If you have the chance to redesign your sump, which filter will you prefer and the reason.

I have use filter socks now and find is quite troublesome to wash and bleach it and wash again and sun dried it and need to change within 3 days. I don't know what the pros and cons of using filter wool ( All i think is just replace a new filter wool every week ) and I did find some related thread but all it mentioned is it might become nitrate factory. So asking reefer for their suggestion.

Thanks in advance.

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I started to use nylon filter socks recently. The bubble magnus ones (100 & 200 micron) ones are very cheap (around $5) & easy to flip to rinse under the tap.

There are unbranded 300 micron ones available.

I've stopped using the felt ones which as you say, are so troublesome to wash & bleach.

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Both sock and wool will become nitrate factory over time. Just that using socks will be cleaner as you are forced to clean it once it starts to overflow. From my experience, filter socks results in more prestine water due to the above reason...I am using filter sock

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For a fowlr setup with heavy feeding, my sock gets clogged within 3 days. Troublesome to wash thoroughly, bleached and dry. Switched to filter will, and change a fresh piece every weekend. Nitrate factory? My rocks, biopellets and bacteria media are keeping my fishes happy.

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Imho, filter sock n filter wool working principles are the same..I m running on both now..sock at overflow downpipe n wool at return compartment..both got dirty quite fast ard 3-5days..my sock I will leave it overflow n replace per month..wool I will change ard 7-14days (easier to change :D but need to pre-cut to size in advance)..sock more convenient but cost more..

@ 291213

Updated video: Kenyee FOWLR


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What's the point of using a filter if u let it overflow? Might as well dont use filter this way. No wonder sump tank so dirty. LOL

Imho, not all water flow down will pass thru the "dirty" sock n filter n thus some will overflow..so there is still filtration..as for my sump, I din clean for a long long time..haha..with a par38 light below, algae bloom in sump n not in DT.. :)

@ 291213

Updated video: Kenyee FOWLR


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Imho, not all water flow down will pass thru the "dirty" sock n filter n thus some will overflow..so there is still filtration..as for my sump, I din clean for a long long time..haha..with a par38 light below, algae bloom in sump n not in DT.. :)

Interesting set up. Wow....

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