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What do you feed your lionfish?

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Hi I recently bought a lionfish and have been keeping it alive for about two weeks..

I've been feeding it with freshwater ghost shrimp (feeder shrimp), small tager barbs, and catfish. The foods that people use to feed luohans. I feed it a couple of items once every two or three days. My lionfish has been kept alive so far but I know things could be better...

Here's the catch : I do know that eating feeder goldfish can cause liver problems. I wanted to know if the same problems will occur with tiger barbs and catfish? Ghost shrimps are supposed to be the best freshwater food for lionfishes, right? Will they too cause problems?

If there are problems then what and how much/often do you guys feed your lionfishes? It seems to be impossible to get saltwater frozen food for lionfishes in Singapore. So what and how much do you guys feed your majestic lionfishes? :thanks::bow:

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When I had one, I initially took the pain to catch small fishes by the beach. Then I tried the below and it worked!

Stop feeding for a few days, dangle slice fish or shrimp meat in front of it and it will start eating them, thinking it's alive. After a while, anything that that you dump in that looks white in colour, it will whack! No need to even dangle anymore.

Unfortunately, it later died due to over-use of medication in my tank.

Good luck!

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