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Algae scrubber version Xiggie


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Here are some upflow layout designs to give you ideas of what might fit your tank or ability to DIY better:

Simple upflow screen:


Attach to glass:

Bubble remover:

Attach to glass, with compartment:

Attach to glass, small:

Hang on back:



Edited by SantaMonica
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Hi Guys, sorry for all the late updates. I had tried out my DIY scrubber, and under the guidance of Bro Xiggie, it works well for me! No more need to entertain those red slimy cyanos  and blah blah algaes anymore. No more trapped bubbles on the rocks problems anymore! Today I saw that the scrubber's algae tipping out from my DIY hatch and I decided to "harvest" it! Throw the first generation algaes all away, so there is space for new generations to grow. Here're the pictures:

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Let's start with the equipments.

Air pump

Clear acrylic sheet

Air tube

Aluminum reflector

Led lights DIY

2 daiso box

Algae screen rough

PVC pipes and angle joints

Cable ties


Xiggie, are these 1W or 3W LEDs?

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Hi bro xiggie, 

Just a simple question, i am using those Led Strip which i get from online store. Will it be strong enough for this algae scrubber? It been 3 days but the screen like no algae yet. 

I'm not sure what kind of led you are using ,it would be helpful if you could give more detail on the LEDs , a picture would be good too.

the algae won't grow so fast it takes about a week just to produce diatoms and slime algae, the green hair algae will follow after the slime algae stuff is cleaned off. It could take 2 to 3 weeks before getting the correct algae to grow and this depends on the lights you R using.

if the lights are not strong enuff the screen will only grow the brown slime algae and red cyno.

these algae will take up nutrients too but just not as effective as the green hair or tuff algae. 

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Hi new reefer here.. Do yall still use protein skimmer after adding an Ats?

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

It depends on your bioload of the tank.

If there is only a few fish , then ATS alone might be able to sustain, else is best use with skimmer.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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