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Review of Joe_P's calcium reactor


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  Michael Young said:
Joe, care to explain how the CO2 recirc work?

It is basically allowing trapped CO2 to be routed back to the water feed of the CR...

in this case.... excess CO2 gets trapped jus beneath the cover of the CR... a tap valve built into the lid for the excess CO2 to be released is plumped to the feed of the CR... so the excess CO2 gets recirculated ...... ;)

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Well thumbs up for Joe's CR :bow::bow:

Been running it for about 2 months now. Single chamber similar to the size DeepBlue has. After some initial tweaking (got the wrong CO2 regulator) and pH dip problems, I'm proud to say that it is working fine and giving me good readings.

I don't get any trapped CO2 at the top of the chamber so maybe the 2nd chamber is not the priority now. :P Also pH values has stabilised after I dose the effluent into the first chamber of the sump where it meets the water coming down from the overflow. Also my macroalgae absorbs most of the excess CO2 as it is blooming now.

I'm a novice in SPS but since running the CR has seen condiserable growth to the acros. Also it removes the headache of dosing all those additives into the water to keep the required levels up.

My water parameters

pH 8.0 to 8.4 (test with pH pen)

kH 9.8 dKH (Salifert)

Calcium 450 (Salifert)

Magnesium 1350 (Salifert)

All in all very satisfied with the performance. :bow:

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I'm also another completely satisfied user. Big thank you to you Joe!

My effluent from the CR drips into my skimmer so that removes the excess CO2. May wanna let it drip into the 2nd compartment so that my macro algae can grow better. Right now some bryopsis in my overflow chamber and I do not dare go touch it. Let's hope it doesn't spread elsewhere.

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u put the effluent into the john guest fitting ah,

i let it drip normaly into the water because i scared drip into the john guest fitting will make the internals of the skimmer start to calcify due to the high localised properties...hehe

with your 2nd chamber you dun have to worry about output ph pulling down your ph too much...

in fact before i use my CR and after, i dun notice much ph depression also.

and another reason i dun plug into the john guest coz i reserve the hole for my ozone hook up when i need it...hehe

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yes I plug into john guest fitting. It's there and not used so I plug it in :P

The other thing is that I seems to be able to tune the EV-240 easier with that hole plugged.

The other reason is I need a place to put the effluent tube so it won't drop out onto the floor and cause a mini flood.

The pH is not that low so no worries abt it killing the CR :P I would worry more if Ozone is being used :P

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yeah..i think the john guest draws air in even when nothing is plugged there...probably why u prefer to plug it to get a consistent air draw

hehe...wait till u have to scrub coraline algae out of the internals then u know...lol...

but then again, it's quite black...so maybe cant grow coraline algae?

no need worry ozone lah,

use now and then, wun damage the system one.

now i only use when i add new fish, after new fish adapts,

then i unhook it.

just a prevention against losing the new fish and existing livestock,

whether it really works or not, cannot tell also, but at least mind can relax abit knowing that anything that can be done has been done, the rest up to fate...lol..

a few others are using it also, no complains from them yet also..hehe

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Whilst i was reading up on Ca reactors i remeber reading that it was not such a good idea to heavily airate the output from a Ca reactor.

Cant remember all the details but its something to do with a potential reduction in the DKH and Ca levels

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  IanJ said:

Whilst i was reading up on Ca reactors i remeber reading that it was not such a good idea to heavily airate the output from a Ca reactor.

Cant remember all the details but its something to do with a potential reduction in the DKH and Ca levels

yeah...wanted to say that also...

but can't find the article that i read..

so i din mention it..hehe

something to the effect that too high a blowoff will have a reverse effect on the effluent...something like premature precipitation..the article actually recommend normal dripping...

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Thanks for the advise, I will take note of it, ah I learn something new again today :P will probably do some test to confirm.


You know I've coraline algae growing on every inch of my tank, in the sump too. First compartment, 2nd compartment dun have because of the algae I think and even on the foam tower of my skimmer lol.

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haha..wah liew...but the foam tower mainly brings foam up also can grow ah...wah liew...really power...lol...

never knew foam can grow coraline also....yeah hor..foam also can contain water with high calcium/dkh hor..hehe

learn something new today also..haha

anyway, very hard to test if blowoff will decrease efficiency. it is easy to test effluent properties before you plug into the john guest...

but the actual effluent properties after going thru the skimmer is something that very hard to test....

unless, you take 2 tanks with no calcium consumption, meaning tank with no corals/fishes

one tank u use normal drip and the other go thru your ev240 to blowoff...

then take the readings regularly to see if got difference...

but too troublesome lah....haha

just keep to what you are doing lor..anyway, as long can maintain your calcium needs can liao...hehe

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Yes foam tower also grow coraline algae but only at the place that faces the PL light from my ref area. Tonight I go back take photo let you see.

Some acid will get rid of them, no worries.

Actually I thought of collecting some effluent then use air to bubble it and then compare see if Ca and kH will change. not too sure if that is an accurate test.

But like you said as long as can maintain Ca and kH then I should just leave it.

Well up to the experts to comment then.

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Thanks guys for your comments...

I have previously considered the application of a higher volume rating pump for the CR in the bid of turning the reactors into fluidised units...

However after some consideration, place that idea on hold due to the following...

1) high initial investment in acquiring of pump

2) higher running cost of pump since CR recirculation pumps function 24/7..

decided to work on 2nd chambers instead to put the pH of the effluent into a more managable state....

If any reefers would be interested in a fluidised unit or would like to consider modifying current units into one... do let me know...

I'm thinking of using eheims 1260 to run larger units.... :ph34r:

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I don't mind trying out the fluidised CR but then my current unit works so well so that idea was put off since I learned how to tune it properly.

Maybe when the day I got so much SPS that the current CR cannot meet the Ca demand then I'll have to invite the expert to do the mod already :P

Now if only all DIY can work like this then we wouldn't have any worries buying them!

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Agree with you, Mic. Will be running the IKS system with a dedicated probe in my Deltec CR that comes with a magnetic solenoid with in turn will be controlled by the IKS. As for the circulation, not a problem too as the IKS has the controlling flexibility.

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I'm using the IKS too but the pH controller is use to control the tank pH not the CR. The computer is set to turn on the CO2 when the pH reaches 8.4 and cut off when it drops to 8.1. I'm also using a kalk reactor 24/7 so the IKS keeps my tank pH in check constantly.

I'm a little confuse why you use the IKS pH module on your CR? Care to explain?

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I am running 2 PH modules into the IKS. One of them is plugged into the deltec CR is to check the PH on the output. Whereas the other in the tank will monitor the overall PH. I am also using the deltec klakstirrer but not on 24 hrs but based on the tank's PH.

When the tank PH is at 8.4, then CR will run and kalkstirrer stops and distill water top up runs.

When PH below 8.4, then kalkstirrer runs, distill water top up stops.

sounds logical?

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  weisoon said:

Does the idea of running a CR only max 7 -8 hours a day and start runnning it 4 hours after lights on came across?


Yes... did thought about that... and just like what Mike stated... by placing a soleniod on a timer.....

I am working on addin solenoid valves and pH probe holder to my sets as options...

It would however become a extremely expensive setup esp. when probes and controllers get involved.... something not many reefers are willing to get involved with... ;)

I believe many reefers are like me.... workin to keep cost as reasonable as possible.... :)

I'm pretty contented with the performance of my CR running on a non solenoid CO2 regulator ....

And it works....... :yeah:

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  weisoon said:
I am running 2 PH modules into the IKS. One of them is plugged into the deltec CR is to check the PH on the output. Whereas the other in the tank will monitor the overall PH. I am also using the deltec klakstirrer but not on 24 hrs but based on the tank's PH.

When the tank PH is at 8.4, then CR will run and kalkstirrer stops and distill water top up runs.

When PH below 8.4, then kalkstirrer runs, distill water top up stops.

sounds logical?

But why do you need the IKS to control the pH inside your CR? Do you mean you tune the IKS to switch the CO2 supply off when the pH drops to your preset level? :huh:

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