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Ich outbreak

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For the past few days was a bad time for me, seeing my fishes die one after another and I can't save them. I have feed them with food containing garlic but healthy fish still get infected n die eventually. I don't have a QT but I did a 30% water change twice in a week.

The only survivor is the cleaner shrimp which I understand ich will not infect and my corals - mushrooms, Octo and hammer.

Now I hope to get some good advice what I should do next in order to start the tank again n adding new fishes.

My tank is a 2ft X 1.5 X 2 with sump. I have just connect a chiller recently which I bought from a bro.


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The most effective way is the fish less cycle. Such that e parasite has no fish to attach to. However is it a patient wait of 8 weeks to be safe

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  • SRC Member

Hi Bro, does ich attached to all fishes? I have a powder blue tang ich affected. But my yellow tang and ther fishes bo dai chi yet for 3 weeks liao. Do you think the other fishes will also still gradually kena the ich, or if the powder blue dies off, will the ich just go to the other fishes?

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Base on my experience, the other fishes will have ich just that it is not obvious. Once there is ich in the tank, it will survives as long there is fishes in it..

The only way if not going fishless is to feed food like garlic dip, dr g to keep them healthy and immune to ich but ich will still exist..

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Hope your pbt will recover. If got QT, best to separate it. It does spread to other fish. However, if the others are strong, possibly they may survive. I had a similar situation 1 YT and 1 PT and 1 pdt. Pdt was infected and later died. the other 2 survive till this day.

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I see. I better remove the Powder blue tang tonight when I got home then. I was thinking of introducing new fishes tomorrow. Think I had better put the idea on hold, in case of more casualties.

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Since there is such parasite in the tank, is good idea to put on hold. When I had the problem, I resisted the temptation to introduce any new fish or coral but just concentrate maintaining good water quality and keep feeding the fish.

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I encounted itch recently from newly added emperor & blue ring.

I feed them with pellet soak with Dr G.

After a wk, no more white spot. Believe we should build up the fish immune system

To fight against the itch as itch will always come into attacking new fishes

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They are likely copopods/amphipods. They are beneficial & help clean up left over stuff. They are also a good food source for fishes.

Population is building up because you have few fishes now.

I'd leave it alone. Once fishes are added later on, the numbers will naturally reduce.

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going fishless for 8 weeks will eradicate the parasites in the tank. A good time to start some corals keeping. At least thats how one of my good reefer fren got addicted to sps.

+ 1. Good time to stock up some corals.

Anyway your problem won't be resolved until you know more about ich and how to tackle it. Best to QT your fishes with copper before your introduce to your tank. Else you will have the same problem again.

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Unfortunately, no space to keep a QT but always acclimate the new fishes I bought. That's the least I can do.

Also attached a uv now hope that it will help to maintain water quality.

As what tang_sohal said, time for me to look out some nice corals during this fishes period.

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Bro qt easy just put inside a pail from your tank water , the use air pump and put some medicine depend the one recommended

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  • SRC Member

Bro qt easy just put inside a pail from your tank water , the use air pump and put some medicine depend the one recommended

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Bro, how many days to quarantine normally before u introduce to the dt
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