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some question on clown fish

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Hi Everyone.

Im doing some research on marine aqurium and fall in love with clown fish.

So im doing my part in digging videos and google everything i can .

But i have 1 question for to be enlighten by experience ppl over here.

Knowing that clown fish will pair up when adult stage if i have a comm tank like example 20 clown if all gonna pair up than how ? i cant be seperating them pair by pair de mah.... if i leave it as it is will there be any problem ?

if there is an ans in this forum pls kindly post an link for me as i have been searching but cant find this same topic.

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To my understanding from google ...in a group there will be 1 so call alpha normally bigger in size will becomes the female and pair up with 1 mating male the rest will be non mating fish...if female die 1 of the fish in the grp will take over its position . Please correct me if im wrong??

Edited by CODDY TAN
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To my understanding from google ...in a group there will be 1 so call alpha normally bigger in size will becomes the female and pair up with 1 mating male the rest will be non mating fish...if female die 1 of the fish in the grp will take over its position . Please correct me if im wrong??

Yes you are right, it will be unlikely to have many pairs in the tank. If you have a school of clown fish, it should be okie. Numbers like 3 clowns means trouble.

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  • SRC Member

That's correct. Clown fish can change sex according to the environment. They're all born male, then the dominant or largest one will turn to female. The female will find one male to pair, leaving the rest of the males alone

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May i also ask if in a school of 20 if theres 1 particular pair and i do no seperate them out will they be over aggressive??

Because if i were to remove them another pair would have pop up again ....

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Actually they are all born sexless, the most dominant will become female and number 2 male. In a school only a pair will develop. they will not be over aggressive unless in the school you bought, there's already two females. Then they will fight

If you're thinking of getting a sch, best is to get all when they are small and intro them into ur tank around the same time. Clowns are quite territorial

Moorish Idol has to be the most beautiful fish ever! :thumbsup:

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Hi rudy ,

I understand that its best to get them together and introduce in at the same time as to prevent territorial behaviour ...

i read alot from google that its no abvisable to mix diff types of clows tgt as they will fight..

But on the other hand i see alot ppl mixing 2 or 3 types of clown in a comm tank..?

Am i right to say that they are trying their luck on this?? As they tried to introduce them into the tank same time. All are about the same size...small juv fish.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

Yes you are right, it will be unlikely to have many pairs in the tank. If you have a school of clown fish, it should be okie. Numbers like 3 clowns means trouble.

What is a good numbers for clownfish?

I was thinking to get 3 small ones, in case one die...

Shall I get 4 or more?

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  • 2 weeks later...

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