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Is it time to decommissioning?


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I observed lately many reefers decomm. Just wonder if this hobby has become too expensive for an average income person like me. I find that the price of the fishes have significantly increased. Probably this hobby is meant for the riches. Care to comment?

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  • SRC Member

First two years are critical for reefers, if they experienced prolong stretch of mati-ing, most likely they will say bye bye.

P/s: flame angel $40, blue tang $18, blue eyes anthais $12, copperband $5... not that expensive if reefer buy within their budget and dont buy rare fish loh.

子非鱼,焉知鱼之乐... (you are not the fish so you...)

Then: my 4FT low tech selling off tank... (2006)

Now: (2014)

@Sept 2014

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This what I feel, in the following order:

1. New priorities in life

2. Lost of passion / Change in hobby

3. Tank Crash

4. Don't have time

5. Cost of running

6. Moving house

7. Upgrading to larger tank

8. Change of new designed tank / sump system

9. Disease and parasites

10. Pest issues

11. No bloody idea how to maintain a healthy saltwater tanks (Constant death of new introduction)


I Love Stagsss

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  • SRC Member

Imho, to quit anything is up to individual..if talking about rising cost, of coz in the place this hobby must b within own budget..reefing got low cost or high cost 的玩法。 Cheers & happy reefing..:)

@ 291213

Updated video: Kenyee FOWLR


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This what I feel, in the following order:

1. New priorities in life

2. Lost of passion / Change in hobby

3. Tank Crash

4. Don't have time

5. Cost of running

6. Moving house

7. Upgrading to larger tank

8. Change of new designed tank / sump system

9. Disease and parasites

10. Pest issues

11. No bloody idea how to maintain a healthy saltwater tanks (Constant death of new introduction)

12. Daily grumbling from CFO

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