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How to reduce noise at overflow


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I am currently trying to design a 3'tank with sump and now working on the overflow system.

The typical overflow box is a small square box at one rear corner of the main tank, and due to the flow of water into it, it can be abit noisy. Do you guys have any tips on how to reduce the noise from this part of the set-up?

Also, will a smaller downpipe (resulting in water filling more of the pipe) help in reducing noise?

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Can the hole where the water go in connect to a pvc u pipe which face down the water ?

The nose is cause where the air suck in with the water

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Some of us use a bean animal overflow system to reduce the noise. Also heard that durso system can help reduce noise.

One of the benefits of using bean animal is that the overflow does not take up precious real estate in the DT and with multiple outlet, unlikely to clog and flood.

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Some of us use a bean animal overflow system to reduce the noise. Also heard that durso system can help reduce noise.

One of the benefits of using bean animal is that the overflow does not take up precious real estate in the DT and with multiple outlet, unlikely to clog and flood.

Yeah, I read about the bean animal overflow system last week but was too tired to understand the concept. But after your reply, I went back and read it again and it makes sense to me now.


One pipe at full siphon + one pipe which just allows water to trickle lightly down the pipe edges = Both pipes DEAD silent.

This seems like what I am looking for!!!!

But, will all local tank makers know how to set it up or do you have to instruct them step-by-step on what you want? CR and N30?

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  • SRC Member

Yeah, I read about the bean animal overflow system last week but was too tired to understand the concept. But after your reply, I went back and read it again and it makes sense to me now.


One pipe at full siphon + one pipe which just allows water to trickle lightly down the pipe edges = Both pipes DEAD silent.

This seems like what I am looking for!!!!

But, will all local tank makers know how to set it up or do you have to instruct them step-by-step on what you want? CR and N30?

CRA did mine. Think a few other bean animal also made by CRA. Tried asking AA when I was making mine but guess he was busy and didn't respond. Thing to note if you asking CRA to do it is the height of the return pump portion. It was too high for my skimmer that I had to ask CRA to make a glass platform for my skimmer to sit on.

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CRA did mine. Think a few other bean animal also made by CRA. Tried asking AA when I was making mine but guess he was busy and didn't respond. Thing to note if you asking CRA to do it is the height of the return pump portion. It was too high for my skimmer that I had to ask CRA to make a glass platform for my skimmer to sit on.

Wah bro, your return pump and the protein skimmer in the same sump chamber ah?

I thought usually people will do a chamber that is fixed between 8-9" constant water level as requirement for most protein skimmer in the market and the last return chamber is separate as the water level will fluctuate.

Anyway, water level high is ok, like what you did, with glass platform. If water level too low, then cannot use in-sump skimmer liao. lol

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Wah bro, your return pump and the protein skimmer in the same sump chamber ah?

I thought usually people will do a chamber that is fixed between 8-9" constant water level as requirement for most protein skimmer in the market and the last return chamber is separate as the water level will fluctuate.

Anyway, water level high is ok, like what you did, with glass platform. If water level too low, then cannot use in-sump skimmer liao. lol

Different chamber but they make the return pump partition so high that my skimmer chamber water level also very high hence why I need to raise the skimmer. Just telling TS to take note

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Different chamber but they make the return pump partition so high that my skimmer chamber water level also very high hence why I need to raise the skimmer. Just telling TS to take note

I suspect maybe your floor area for the return chamber not big enough but you need some reservoir volume in that chamber for the pump to function properly, as a result they propose a higher water level here. And because the water level in the chambers before the return chamber, has to be higher, your skimmer water level got jacked up as a result. Will take note on that. Thanks!

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After searching all over the internet, notice most people do it at the back of the tank, against the wall, but that adds width. I can only afford 50mm width as I have space constraint (the tank is going to be along the entrance corridor of my house), but at the same time, want this Bean Animal overflow so badly.

So the ideal solution, would be to have the bean animal overflow within my tank. I was thinking of placing all 3 pipes (plus 1 x return pipe), inside an overflow box at the rear right corner of the tank.

Do you guys think that this is possible?

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  • SRC Member

After searching all over the internet, notice most people do it at the back of the tank, against the wall, but that adds width. I can only afford 50mm width as I have space constraint (the tank is going to be along the entrance corridor of my house), but at the same time, want this Bean Animal overflow so badly.

So the ideal solution, would be to have the bean animal overflow within my tank. I was thinking of placing all 3 pipes (plus 1 x return pipe), inside an overflow box at the rear right corner of the tank.

Do you guys think that this is possible?

Possible but it will take up space in the DT. You probably need about 4" extra at the back for the Bean Animal C2C overflow. PM me and i can share what was done for me by CRA. Alternatively, you can also locate it on the side instead of back if there is space. Take note that there are valves that come with the piping so you must be able to reach those valves at the back unless they are located in the piping below the DT.

If you are planning to do the overflow in DT, do the traditional with durso will take up less space and less complicated piping.

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Possible but it will take up space in the DT. You probably need about 4" extra at the back for the Bean Animal C2C overflow. PM me and i can share what was done for me by CRA. Alternatively, you can also locate it on the side instead of back if there is space. Take note that there are valves that come with the piping so you must be able to reach those valves at the back unless they are located in the piping below the DT.

If you are planning to do the overflow in DT, do the traditional with durso will take up less space and less complicated piping.

Any bros here with both experience with both bean animal/herbie vs durso standpipe system here?

Read that durso is also very quiet, but not as silent as bean animal.

Any bro here able to enlighten on this point?

For me, due to space constraint, external overflow is not an option.For now, I am willing to give up some precious DT real estate for an internal bean animal overflow but like to find out if a durso may be a more appropriate solution due to much less space required

First priority, NO noise, second priority, almost no noise, third priority, Fail-safe control in restarting the system and fourth(last) priority, DT real estate..=)

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For me druso is not silent cause water flowing in. So it pass your second priority . But it took out dt space . Want a video of the sound? Most of it cause water flowing in. If water lvl is higher it will be quieter

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Can share where to get the material?

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I dont know which lfs carry this...i purchased online. You can use the silencer from unwanted skimmers or DIY using acrylic tube and pill bottle..

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If not too inconvenient for you, a video would be great for reference. Thanks!

Pm me your number I send you video haha

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Did this simple mod to my durso... Dead silent.

Interesting, but able to explain the reason being this mod?

Remember earlier patricklhc shared the diagram of the durso diagram. A bigger hole on top of end cap would cause higher water lvl and hence less noise.

Does this mod do that? "making the bigger hole"?

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