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Ammonia Alert, Nitrite alert Sticker


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Dear All,

In which Singapore LFS we have Ammonia, nitrite alert the sticker for marine aquarium. And aporximate cost please. I been to Ah beng and NG couple but never seen.



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Yea, its like a first glance thing, first line of defense, oh-s*** alarm.

It looks like it doesnt work half the time,but trust me it has been working for me. the moment the tank spikes or the water turns weird it will reflect that. I asked on the seachem support forums. It's readings will differ from your API test kits or what not be cause it only reflects harmful ammonia not total ammonia (which API does, not sure about the other ones, but they should state on the box what ammonia readings they reflect).

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WAH. This scares me! One more thing to concern about and I thought I read enough about ammonia since entering this hobby. =p

Now there is harmful ammonia vs total ammonia ah!! I thought any ammonia is harmful. lol

Anyway, I saw this ammonia alert from some bro's tank pictures on this forum and I remember checking Fishy Business about it, the guy said he was reluctant to carry it as he does not find it as useful. His reason was along the line of, lag. Apparently he feels it doesn't react that fast and after water change(or correction) there is also a lag for the sticker to reflect. In short, not accurate lah. Somemore if your tank is cycled, this sticker will not be useful most of the time.

But I agree it is cool as a first sign of defence/alert and it does look quite good. Gives visitor the feel that you have that kind of pro "chemical/parameter" control over your tank. lol. Although it should not replace the chemical test kits.

Yea, its like a first glance thing, first line of defense, oh-s*** alarm.

It looks like it doesnt work half the time,but trust me it has been working for me. the moment the tank spikes or the water turns weird it will reflect that. I asked on the seachem support forums. It's readings will differ from your API test kits or what not be cause it only reflects harmful ammonia not total ammonia (which API does, not sure about the other ones, but they should state on the box what ammonia readings they reflect).

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