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Im newbie, need advice from expert.

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Hi to all.

recently my XB arowana commit suicide.

Now my 3ft×1.5ft×1.5ft displaying without a fish. I tot of getting marine fish. I have read alot regarding abt fish. But i dont know how to start.

1)I got 3ft×1.5ft×1.5ft tank.

2)i only got top filter and pump for 3ft tank.(filter, lava rock and biohome)

3) wave Maker for 3ft.

To start.

1)can i dont use chiller but tot of using fans?

2)can i use hang on skimmer and which skimmer recommended?

3)which salt recommended for beginner?

4)can i keep live coral without chiller?

5)which marine fish that easy to keep for beginner?

I hope i can hear from you soon. =)

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1)can i dont use chiller but tot of using fans? - Yes u can, but dont forget to top up the evaporated power. Refer to this:

2)can i use hang on skimmer and which skimmer recommended? - Sure u can use a hang on skimmer, but make sure the skimmer is rated for your tank volume.....Can consider models like DELTEC MCE 600 or Reef Octopus Classic BH-2000 Protein Skimmer

3)which salt recommended for beginner? Plenty of options. depends on your budget. Skimz, red sea are the more affordable ones at the moment

4)can i keep live coral without chiller? Its not recommended unless u can keep ur tank slightly cooler <28~29

5)which marine fish that easy to keep for beginner? http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/aquarium-fish-supplies.cfm?c=15+1926


I Love Stagsss

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Hi bro, top filter meaning those that is normally used for fresh water tanks? It may not be feasible in the long run if you intend to keep corals as you may have an issue with your placement of lights, lighting is a one of the critical components to consider if you wanna keep corals, esp sps. Furthermore your width is 1.5ft, im guessing your top filter will take up about 0.5ft already? Perhaps you can consider an eternal filter from eheim?

Just spend more time on making sure your setup is ideal before starting. You can look at what livestock you will like to keep while cycling your tank which will normally take about a month or so.

Just have to keep reefing... cant stop now~!

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Hi bro, u using stand or cabinet? Possible to add in Sump tank below?

I converted from Shrimp to Marine abt a yr ago so I got a Overflow box n a Sump tank to kick start.

For long run still worth the money.

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You can still use your existing cabinet. Not an issue to add a sump in it.

Using a sump simplifies things in the longer run for a marine setup. Its always possible to use hang on add on filter/skimmer. They have smaller capacities, hence may limit the choices of live stock to keep.

Same situation for me - converted my 3x1.5x1.5 freshwater to marine.

The link in my signature shows some photos of the conversion in case you are interested.

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/mysliceofnature/






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My electricity/water bill increase by about $50 with my marine tank (it was roughly the same increase when running my freshwater tank as well)

I'm using 1/4hp chiller, 180W lights (but running at probably ~50% power) & 40W return pump to run the 3ft tank.

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/mysliceofnature/






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My electricity/water bill increase by about $50 with my marine tank (it was roughly the same increase when running my freshwater tank as well)

I'm using 1/4hp chiller, 180W lights (but running at probably ~50% power) & 40W return pump to run the 3ft tank.

Ya man, haven't include light set n number of wave maker n pump running in sump.

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