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Weekly Update - 06th to 12th Apr 2015

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Bali Shipment (08/04/2015)

Finger Soft Coral Sinularia Flexibilis
Yellow Sponge Acanthella Sp.
Cauliflower Red/Pink - Spines Dendronephthya Sp.
Green Stripe Mushroom Discosoma Sp. Green Stripe
Blue Mushroom Discosoma Sp. Blue/Purple
Green Star Polyps Clavularia Viridis
Bee Sponge Stylissa Carteri
Green Star Polyps Clavularia Viridis
Carpet Polyp - Green Briareum Sp
Hairy Mushroom -Green Rhodactis indosiensis
Carpet Polyp - Green Briareum Sp
Yellow Polyps Parazoanthus Gracilis
Special Sand Polyps Zoanthus Sp. Multicolor
Cauliflower Orange - Spines Dendronephthya Sp.
Orange Fan Sponge Phakellia Flabillata/Clathris Sp.
Giant Cup Mushroom -M Amplexidiscus Fenestrafer
Assorted Cauliflower Dendronephthya Sp.
Yellow Seafan - Web Acabaria Sp. Yellow
Red Seafan - Whip Gualagorgia Sp. Red
Stick/Wood Polyps Parazoanthus Sp.
Clove Polyps -Anthelia Clavularia Sp. Aff. Anthelia
Ricordea Yuma Mushroom 2 Color Ricordea Yuma
Ordinary Anemone - Yellow Heteractis Crispa (Yellow)
Brown banner fish-m Heniochus varius
Black volitans lionfsih Pterois volitans
Golden travelly Gnathanodon speciosus
Dusky bortulid golden goby Brotulina fusca
Red/white wrasse Anampses chrysocephalus
Green wrasse Halichoeres chloropterus
White volitans lionfsih Pterois miles
Blue lipstick angel-m Apolemichthys Trimaculatus
Square anthias - male Pseudanthias pleurotaenia
Eight line wrasse Pseudocheilinus octotaenia
Orange shoulder tang -juv Acanthurus olivaceous
Pink skunk clown -m Amphiprion perideraion
Dusky blenny - yellow Astrosalarias fuscus
Koran angel - adult -L Pomacanthus semicirculatus
Long fin snapper -m Symphorichthys spilyrus
Pacific sailfin tang -L Zebrasoma veliferum
Emperor angel -juv-L Pomacanthus imperator
Blue gudgeon Ptereleotris heteropterus
Purple head wrasse Halichoeres prosopeion
Marble wrasse - adult Halichoeres hortulanus
Royal blue pygmy angel Centropyge flavicauda
Leopard wrasse Macroparyngodon ornatus
Zebra moray eel Gymnomuraena zebra
Orange shoulder tang -adult Acanthurus olivaceous
White fin lionfish Pterois antennata
Brown bird wrasse Gomphosus varius
Six line wrasse Pseudocheilinus hexataenia
Orange skunk clown -m Amphiprion akallopisos
Maroon clown -L Premnas biaculeatus
Pacific sailfin tang -m Zebrasoma veliferum
Sergent major Abudefduf saxatilis
Brown banner fish-L Heniochus varius
Pink tail trigger Melichthys vidua
Hifin brown banner fish-L Henicohus chrysostomus
Black eye spinefoot Siganus puellus
Regal angel - s Pygoplites diacanthus
Dragon wrasse -adult Novaculichthys taeniourus
Sergent major Abudefduf saxatilis
Percula clown -m Amphiprion ocellaris
Blue velvet damsel Paraglyphidodon oxyodon
Bubble / corn Anemone - Red Entacmaea Quadricolor (Red)
Blue velvet damsel Paraglyphidodon oxyodon
Apogon spoted cardinal Sphaeramia nematoptera
Ordinary Anemone - Yellow Heteractis Crispa (Yellow)
Antenna Purple Nudibranch Chromodoris Bullocki
Blue line spinefoot Siganus doliatus
Red line squirrel fish Sargocentron xantherythurs
Black beauty Macolor niger
Yellowtail angel -m Chaetodontoplus mesoleucus
Green spoted puffer Canthigaster janthinotera
Percula clown -L Amphiprion ocellaris
Black/queen trigger Odonus niger
Bicolor angel fish Centropyge Bicolor
Two eye puffer Canthigaster solandri
One spot butterfly-m Chaetodon speculum
Shortfin lionfish Pterois brachypterus
Blue suegeon -M Paracanthurus hepatus
Koran angel - juv-m Pomacanthus semicirculatus

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What size is consider "mini"? 1" or less?

Yes.... that should be the size.

I used to spot them at Coral Farm BUT the price..... Ooohhh ... ... Hmmm ....

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Yes.... that should be the size.

I used to spot them at Coral Farm BUT the price..... Ooohhh ... ... Hmmm ....

CF price will never be low. Just look at the amount of UV sterilizers they are running, electrical bill alone is 5 digit a month.

Always something more important than fish.


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