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WTS livestock and lights


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  • SRC Member

Wanna sell setup.

Here's a list of livestocks.

2 cleaner shrimps 1.5" -$7 each

1 Maroon clown 2.5" -$5

1 Maroon clown 1.5" - $3

1 six line wrasse 2" -$4

1 six legged Burgundy Sea star -$5

1 emerald crab- $8


2 Ricordia yuma on 1 rock( 2" and 1 cm ) -$15

leather coral (palm size)-$5

sun coral -$5

Mushroom -$5 (free another liverock of mushroom)

Brown Hammer -$5

2 brain coral -$5 each

1 clam 2" -$15

**Buy all at $75**

**Weipro 2011 skimmer at $20**

**3 ft 2x36W ATI Twin-DimFix Retrofit (Dimmable) $260**

Equipments used for 6 months only. All in good condition.

Lights still have 6 months warranty.

Liverock $5/kg.

Got algae though and coralline too.

Pm me or msg me at 97547294

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  • SRC Member

Here's a list of livestocks.

2 cleaner shrimps 1.5" -$7 each (Reserved by DeepBlue)

1 Maroon clown 2.5" -$5

1 Maroon clown 1.5" - $3

1 six line wrasse 2" -$4

1 six legged Burgundy Sea star -$5

1 emerald crab- $8 (Reserved by DeepBlue)

Corals (All Reserved by b2toh)

2 Ricordia yuma on 1 rock( 2" and 1 cm ) -$15

leather coral (palm size)-$5

sun coral -$5

Mushroom -$5 (free another liverock of mushroom)

Brown Hammer -$5

2 brain coral -$5 each

1 clam 2" -$15

**Weipro 2011 skimmer at $20**

**3 ft 2x36W ATI Twin-DimFix Retrofit (Dimmable) $260** (Reserved by b2toh)

Equipments used for 6 months only. All in good condition.

Lights still have 6 months warranty.

Liverock $5/kg.

Sorry for the misinfo. PRICE REVISED

Got algae though and coralline too.

Since many have asked about the liverocks,

there's about 25 kg of them. Including tonga branchs.

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  • SRC Member

Here's a list of livestocks.

2 cleaner shrimps 1.5" -$7 each (Reserved by DeepBlue)

1 Maroon clown 2.5" -$5

1 Maroon clown 1.5" - $3

1 six line wrasse 2" -$4

1 six legged Burgundy Sea star -$5

1 emerald crab- $8 (Reserved by DeepBlue)

Corals (All Reserved by b2toh)

2 Ricordia yuma on 1 rock( 2" and 1 cm ) -$15

leather coral (palm size)-$5

sun coral -$5

Mushroom -$5 (free another liverock of mushroom)

Brown Hammer -$5

2 brain coral -$5 each

1 clam 2" -$15

**Weipro 2011 skimmer at $20** (Reserved by Five for fighting)

**3 ft 2x36W ATI Twin-DimFix Retrofit (Dimmable) $260** (Reserved by b2toh)

Equipments used for 6 months only. All in good condition.

Lights still have 6 months warranty.

Liverock $5/kg. (Reserved by KIM)

Sorry for the misinfo. PRICE REVISED

Got algae though and coralline too.

Since many have asked about the liverocks,

there's about 25 kg of them. Including tonga branchs.

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2 Ricordia yuma on 1 rock( 2" and 1 cm ) -$15

reserve for me? pls pm me the infos

had pm u


Corals (All Reserved by b2toh)

bro, too excited to read carefully? :lol::lol::lol:

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  • SRC Member
Here's a list of livestocks.

2 cleaner shrimps 1.5" -$7 each (Reserved by DeepBlue)

1 Maroon clown 2.5" -$5

1 Maroon clown 1.5" - $3

1 six line wrasse 2" -$4

1 six legged Burgundy Sea star -$5

1 emerald crab- $8 (Reserved by DeepBlue)

Corals (All Reserved by b2toh)

2 Ricordia yuma on 1 rock( 2" and 1 cm ) -$15

leather coral (palm size)-$5

sun coral -$5

Mushroom -$5 (free another liverock of mushroom)

Brown Hammer -$5

2 brain coral -$5 each

1 clam 2" -$15

**Weipro 2011 skimmer at $20**

**3 ft 2x36W ATI Twin-DimFix Retrofit (Dimmable) $260** (Reserved by b2toh)

Equipments used for 6 months only. All in good condition.

Lights still have 6 months warranty.

Liverock $5/kg.

Sorry for the misinfo. PRICE REVISED

Got algae though and coralline too.

Since many have asked about the liverocks,

there's about 25 kg of them. Including tonga branchs.

Hi bro: :o

Me grab the maroon clowns if there live in the same colony i.e harmonious, else net the bigger 2.5" clown for me and the wrasse also.

Pls sms me @9-7934281

thx B)

REEFSHARK <:}}}}><

As fish are caught in a cruel net or birds are taken in a snare,so men are trapped by evil times that fall unexpectedly upon them.Ecc 9:12

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