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Clown tang coloration/ temperment

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Hi dear reefers would like to ask about something regarding clown tang, i currently have one about the size of about 3 - 3.5 inches i think. kept it from 2 inches this piece survived and is now eating pellets and henry gourmet. So far he hasnt been nasty to anyone yet but that could be because his only companions are a big blue ring and a couple of wrasses in my qt

Im about to release him into my dt so would like some opinions since i read from the american forums that this fish is so nasty that it cannot be kept. ive kept sohals and when introduced last havent caused any big issues. But what ive read said some very nasty stuff abt them and i am skeptical abt the western way of their description. Can a clown tang same size introduced last same as a sohal be so much more horrifying than sohal? a 7 inch clown will attk and kill a 15 inch queen? that bad?

next i wana ask is does clown tang coloration deepen over maturity, mine seems to be colorless atm.


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  • SRC Member

Luck luck luck..clown tang is known to b aggressive n so are sohal, achillies, powder series tang too..by introducing a bigger size later will help..but do note that all fishes r different, so a bigger sohal might b afraid of a smaller clown tang or vice versa..there r many good examples of clown tang living peacefully with other tangs &/or angels..their Colour will deepen when they r more matured but do feed good food & with TLC..good luck bro :)

@ 291213

Updated video: Kenyee FOWLR


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Luck luck luck..clown tang is known to b aggressive n so are sohal, achillies, powder series tang too..by introducing a bigger size later will help..but do note that all fishes r different, so a bigger sohal might b afraid of a smaller clown tang or vice versa..there r many good examples of clown tang living peacefully with other tangs &/or angels..their Colour will deepen when they r more matured but do feed good food & with TLC..good luck bro :)

thanks i will do that bro =)

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