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Chromis' batch issues

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Hi guys, can I ask if anyone has the experience of keeping Chromis' of a different batch?
I had recently gotten Chromis(x4) from a nice reefer and I think that they are really nice to have as they swim in schools. I was thinking of buying 2 more Chromis' to add them to the school of 4 to make the team 6 strong, however there was a predicament. Will the four that are already in the tank be aggressive over the new batch that I add in and causes them to finally 'Mati'?
Can someone who has experience on this guide me? Thank you.

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  • SRC Member

Luck luck luck..

I have 3 chromis now from a initial of 9 (6 & 3 from 2 batches) but dunnoe the actual 3 fittest from which batches oso..

Good luck yea :)

Hi Bro Kenyee, can I know how long it took you to add the final 3 into mixture with the 6 of them?

And if the 6 has any aggression when you add the 3 in later?

Did you see fights or intimidations once you add them in? You said that you are left with 3 chromis' now, in your opinion, what could have caused the death of the 6 chromis'? There are a number of factors, example tank size, water parameters, feeding frequencies, and many more. How long was the first death seen after you add the 3 new batch?

If you said 3 died, I could understand, but if 6 of them died, then maybe its not under aggression issue liao... I think it might be other underlying problems in your tank. Can we narrow down to aggression only? Can you give your opinion once more? Thanks.

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I dun rem the timeline le..no record last time as just started..u can read my tank threads to understand more :) The death was slow as in one by one n time frame unknown..they will bully the weakest of the group from what I saw..aggression is the key to my chromis death..i have a few tank crashes n this 3 chromis survived that..health issue would b a factor for some though..anyway, good luck to all :)

@ 291213

Updated video: Kenyee FOWLR


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This is what I tried long time back.

Had 5 chromis and wanted to add 4 more.

I starved my fishes for 2 days and trapped the old Chromis easily with fish trap.

Transferred them to my sump refugium and add in the new fellows to the sump too.

Due to the new environment, the old seem unsettled and doesn't bother the newcomer.

Left them in sump for 1 night - let them camp overnight together.

Next time put all back to display tank - swim together happily.


Aquarium: 48" x 18" x 24" tank with 24" x 15" x 15" sump (approx. 150 gallons)
Equipment: Maxspect Razor 320W, Vortech MP40, Vertex Omega 180i, Eheim 1262 return pump, Hailea HS 66A, Bacteria King
Fish and coral food: Henry's Reefgourmet pellets, Preis coral energizer, Kent Marine PhytoPlex, Brightwell Reef Snow, Two-Little Fishies Marine Snow
Dosage: Triton Elements


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  • SRC Member

This is what I tried long time back.

Had 5 chromis and wanted to add 4 more.

I starved my fishes for 2 days and trapped the old Chromis easily with fish trap.

Transferred them to my sump refugium and add in the new fellows to the sump too.

Due to the new environment, the old seem unsettled and doesn't bother the newcomer.

Left them in sump for 1 night - let them camp overnight together.

Next time put all back to display tank - swim together happily.

Are the 9 of them still around?

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This is what I tried long time back.

Had 5 chromis and wanted to add 4 more.

I starved my fishes for 2 days and trapped the old Chromis easily with fish trap.

Transferred them to my sump refugium and add in the new fellows to the sump too.

Due to the new environment, the old seem unsettled and doesn't bother the newcomer.

Left them in sump for 1 night - let them camp overnight together.

Next time put all back to display tank - swim together happily.

This is vey good idea bro Clownfishforever! I will use your method to try out. However, indeed, did hey have aggression when they are into day 2 or 3 or 4 and subsequently? Are the 9 chromis' till happily together now?

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  • SRC Member

6 same batch, bought together.

don't think could be other danger, if not would not be left with 2. if it was something else most likely should be all dead. not 1 by 1 until left with 2. Cant remember clearly the exact days but usually a few days to a week, 1 will die. Until left 2 and none died for a month, but I gave them away already so cant tell now. In my case the scenario that chromis will gang on the weakest till the fittest survive seems to be true.

I tried searching online, seems other forum users having same issue as me. seems linked to chromis aggression between themselves. you can try google or yahoo search, chromis fish with red patch or flesh etc.

I would not try too many chromis, keeping 6 was already a chore, have to count every piece everyday incase 1 dies off. Imagine buying like 15-20. hope you enjoy searching and counting everyday. haha.

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  • SRC Member

Chronis are damsel in nature

Damsel will fight each other till the strongest survive

Best is intro them together as a patch

Maybe u will be lucky to get 1 or 2 survive after adding to the existing

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • SRC Member

I agreed with bro jun005..they will whack the weakest among the group till death..I believe this is nature of fish, lesser fish=more food..if u r lucky, all r strong, all will survive..my 3 chromis left r small, medium & large in sizes..initially I thought the smallest r the weaker but it seem not..so still is good luck to all :)

@ 291213

Updated video: Kenyee FOWLR


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  • SRC Member

Hey I faced this problem with my group of 5 chromis. At first they started excluding 1 out of the group and eventually it died. Ended up with 2 at the end. So I bought another 4. But they still bullied the old 2 chromis from before.

So I remove all the chromis from the tank and placed them in a pale for a few hours and moved the rocks around in the tank. Later I placed all of them back into the tank at the same time and they stopped fighting.

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I'm no fish behaviourist but I think they need to start off together in a new environment to set their dominance and protect each other as a school. That's what I've observed from my chromis.

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No. They were introduced separately. I start my tank off with 2 first as tester fish. Then put in more a week later of they don't die. But you can also try by introducing chromis into the tanks in large groups, so 5 fish and 5 later. But that's of you don't mind having lots of chromis. Sure you will still have a odd one out.

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