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A lesson in marine hobby??

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Hi dear fellow reefers, a good afternoon to you all.

I would like to share with everybody a wonderful lesson i have learnt today, or rather a amusing experience that i still scratch my head over.

This afternoon, i followed a colleague of mine who is also in the marine hobby, to go down jalan jalan at a lfs and pick up something he was looking for. i tagged along with him as i was also looking for some livestock and perhaps was going to stock up on the food.

Well, upon entering the shop, we were greeted by a strange phenomenon, that is, i was about to walk over to view some livestock at the back when a large burly and rather surly fellow walked up to me and said this i quote " Are you viewing marine or freshwater? stay away from this side of the shop.

Now to go into advanced details of a enterprise that should actually focus and develop PR relations or customer relations is way overboard, i will not waste my time with that since im dealing with rather sub normal intellect of humans. Instead, is it a wise move to actually deflect potential customers away with this kind of attitude and reception? Or are paying customers considered a nuisance and potential thieves and robbers? Well, i don't know if i would actually walk back into that dreaded shop again or ever recommend anyone there. No i most certainly will keep my distance from today henceforth. :big_boss:

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Hi dear fellow reefers, a good afternoon to you all.

I would like to share with everybody a wonderful lesson i have learnt today, or rather a amusing experience that i still scratch my head over.

This afternoon, i followed a colleague of mine who is also in the marine hobby, to go down jalan jalan at a lfs and pick up something he was looking for. i tagged along with him as i was also looking for some livestock and perhaps was going to stock up on the food.

Well, upon entering the shop, we were greeted by a strange phenomenon, that is, i was about to walk over to view some livestock at the back when a large burly and rather surly fellow walked up to me and said this i quote " Are you viewing marine or freshwater? stay away from this side of the shop.

Now to go into advanced details of a enterprise that should actually focus and develop PR relations or customer relations is way overboard, i will not waste my time with that since im dealing with rather sub normal intellect of humans. Instead, is it a wise move to actually deflect potential customers away with this kind of attitude and reception? Or are paying customers considered a nuisance and potential thieves and robbers? Well, i don't know if i would actually walk back into that dreaded shop again or ever recommend anyone there. No i most certainly will keep my distance from today henceforth. :big_boss:

lol bouncer at a marine shop?

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