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Force Fins expriences ?


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I tried the Adjustable Force Fins (swopped it with another fella during a dive) and truly regretted it.

If you have bird legs like me, it's TORTURE!!!! You have to kick really hard, but when you do, you do get a lot of power from it. It's also negatively buoyant... I had the fin popped off my feet when I was at the surface. My dive guide had to go down and retrieve it. Apparently, there are some kicking styles that you can't use with it.

I am using the Scubapro Twin Jets... very comfortable and easy on the legs.

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  • SRC Member
I tried the Adjustable Force Fins (swopped it with another fella during a dive) and truly regretted it.

If you have bird legs like me, it's TORTURE!!!! You have to kick really hard, but when you do, you do get a lot of power from it. It's almost negatively buoyant... I had the fin popped off my feet when I was at the surface. My dive guide had to go down and retrieve it. Apparently, there are some kicking styles that you can't use with it.

I am using the Scubapro Twin Jets... very comfortable and easy on the legs.

I dun think it is suitable for scullying.. more effective for flutter kicks.

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yes, good for defense against Triggers.. take out the fins and slap them...

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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wats more it is solid rubber doubt the trigger will bit through

BTW i had trigger fish on tioman.... nice, sweet :P

u are wrong, one of the DM that lead one of the dives, the trigger bit a hole in his fins. :o

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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Hammerhd, yes, that trigger bit thru JetFin.

Iona, Jetfins are a lot stiffer than twinjets... it is not suitable for flutter kicks.. more for frog kicks, dolphin kicks, scullying... to use it for flutter kicking, u have better luck with twinjets...

Another reason why i like jetfins, u can use it at a tripod support for UW camera.. hahaha...

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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Care to elaborate???? :ooh:

u remove your fins, kneel on the seabed and "fin-pivot" them, leaning the footbed of the fins together and viola, a jetfin tripod.

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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sheeeessssssss....... no wonder that dm at redang had his ears bit off :pinch:

that's it.. i'm taping my ears to my head to prevent it from sticking out too much for this coming trip... any better suggestions?

i dun really like using hood.. i dun want to look like ninja underwater... maybe i try using beanie this trip.. hahaha..

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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force fins are the ones who a V shaped front rite? tried before, kept feeling like the fins were going to pop off anytime. I use tusa splitfins, nice and comfortable, and just to correct, they are great for sculling! what's great is you can adopt a frog kick position but just tweedle your ankles to scull gently and off you go!

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Just to add a teeny bit of information.

Split Fins - Apollo, Scubapro, Tusa and another Taiwan brand.

Split fins are designed to create a propulsion effect. It is highly recommended for lazy divers but personally, I will not recommend for people who are turning pro. The power of split fins should not be under estimated. A diver will poor buoyancy control using split fins will harm the ecosystem by either "brushing" against marine life or stirring up the sand.

Jet Fins / Force Fins - Scubapro, Force Fins

Both of the above have their own followers. A person using either fins will swear by it. Generally speaking, users of either fins must have very strong hamstrings and the finning techniques must be right. The two fins are not recommended for new divers, unless u have a tube of deep heat with you on the dive trip.

But once u have adapted to it, either fins will probably be your first and last fins.

Plastics/Rubber Fins - Scubapro, Seac Sub, all taiwan brands, Tusa ... ...

These are the most common fins. Highly recommended for city divers who dive only once or twice a year. However, there are some down sides to it. For plastic and rubber to co-exist, the only way is either by heat or glue. Translating it, it means the fins will not last u a life time.

My two cents worth... ...

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Jet Fins / Force Fins - Scubapro, Force Fins

Both of the above have their own followers. A person using either fins will swear by it. Generally speaking, users of either fins must have very strong hamstrings and the finning techniques must be right. The two fins are not recommended for new divers, unless u have a tube of deep heat with you on the dive trip.

i brought it with me and used it during my pool session.. damned hard to fin

But once u have adapted to it, either fins will probably be your first and last fins.

couldnt agree more.. i will not try out other fins leh.. but might consider trying out Twinjets for the kick. Still prefer to power per stroke given by the jetfins

Plastics/Rubber Fins - Scubapro, Seac Sub, all taiwan brands, Tusa ... ...

These are the most common fins. Highly recommended for city divers who dive only once or twice a year. However, there are some down sides to it. For plastic and rubber to co-exist, the only way is either by heat or glue. Translating it, it means the fins will not last u a life time.

are u talking abt jet fins? I thought Jets are now using reinforce rubber or are they still using pure rubber?

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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