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whisper quiet aquarium fans

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  • SRC Member

Good day fellow reefers.

Any good recommendations for the above?

I'm trying to increase tank evaporation so that i can dose more kalkwasser into my top off. I'm using ANS cooling fan 3000 at the moment, pretty good but a tad loud for over-night. So gathering fan reviews before buying one. Thx

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  • SRC Member

Good day fellow reefers.

Any good recommendations for the above?

I'm trying to increase tank evaporation so that i can dose more kalkwasser into my top off. I'm using ANS cooling fan 3000 at the moment, pretty good but a tad loud for over-night. So gathering fan reviews before buying one. Thx

for the fan part, I find over time all fans will end up being noisy. its all relative. hope other bros can chime in.

if u want to dose more kalk, try mixing vinegar to ur kalk mix. I can't rmb the exact parts to parts for the mix. can google it. but do it if u have a good skimmer. since adding vinegar to ur kalk will also have the benefit of carbon dosing ur tank but need a good skimmer for it. unless you are already adding vinegar to ur kalk, then we go back to the fan issue.

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  • SRC Member

Thanks bro Bombom, already dose vinegar w kalk. Expecting to reach limit use of kalk soon, so preparing to increase evaporation to dose more. Saw a lot of fan brands just wondering which is good.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • SRC Member


A replacement for my sona fan (casing rusty)..this fan I bought at SSC..the shop just outside Teo Heng KTV..cost ard $40 if I rem correctly..I buy this it's because the housing is plastic..:)

@ 291213

Updated video: Kenyee FOWLR


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