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Temperature Probe for external controller


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Hi to all

My Temperature Probe for the external controller went Kaput, I bought the controller from someone in this forum call Chill Down, does anyone still know if he is still into this business and can PM me his name and contact number? thanks.

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Looking for something that looks like this?

As mentioned earlier, available at Sim Lim Tower basement. Shop name Acez Instrument, Sim Lim Tower #B1-38. Should be between $25 depending on their mood & how well you bargain.

There is another shop on 3rd floor near the escalator (don't know the name of the shop) that may be a couple of dollars cheaper.


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Bro Xiggie can help to do wiring on these external controller?

It's actually quite easy, the wireing details are stated on the controller itself , live,nutral, probe connect and so on. Don't need an electrician cert to do .. Hahaha

Stairway to Heaven

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It's actually quite easy, the wireing details are stated on the controller itself , live,nutral, probe connect and so on. Don't need an electrician cert to do .. Hahaha

Haha...... Thank you…Me lousy just dare not play with wiring.

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thanks for all the leads, do you know if I need t tell them I need a NTC or PTC probe? The controller I am using is from Dixell, think I will need to find out the exact model for it


It should be NTC probe. I believe most products use NTC - resistance drops as temperature increase.

Specific to your controller, Refer to page 3. Under technical data : "Inputs: Up to 2 NTC probes"


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