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Live on Board (Diving)


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  • SRC Member

Yes Morgan, What is the estimated damages to our fast depleting bank accts? ;)

Reef keeping and diving... expensive hobby. :(

I used to complain that golf was expensive... after pondering...

I should have taken up golf!

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  • SRC Member
Reef keeping and diving... expensive hobby. :(

I used to complain that golf was expensive... after pondering...

I should have taken up golf!

hahaha... tell me abt it.. some ppl tell me it is a good sport for exercise..

Now explain to me, u hit a ball 300 yds, and to get exercise, u walk to the ball but now have golf buggy and caddy to carry the golf bag and then u squint your eyes to attempt to put the dimpled ball into a small hole... yeah.. "tons" of "exercise"!!! <_<

If really want to exercise, carry the clubs, walk the entire course.. that is what i call exercise...

We divers, carry our own gear and life sustaining air supply, subject ourselves to extreme pressures and life threatening situations like sharks, triggers :nuke: , just to get the satisfaction of seeing a pygmy SH or nemo, which is many times smaller than that stupid hole in golf..... best part of diving is.. u get to see bikini-clad babes.. hehehe.. Golf, u only see ppl scrutinising the swing... sigh...

The only benefit that i can see with golf is that, u tell your spouse that u are going to play golf overseas but u are actually visiting somebody else.. hehehehe :whistle luckily i dun play golf... :D:P

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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  • SRC Member
oohhhhh...bikini babes...

: )~~~~~~

shhh.... :heh::yeah::whistle

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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  • SRC Member

Guys, still waiting for the confirm date and price.

Will update the moment I get it.........think should be the later part of next week :rolleyes:

Tats great...update us. Me nd to tender my application early to my CFO for approval. :pinch:


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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  • SRC Member
anyway i going redang recce on monday..... see if it is divable yet...

Redang then manado.. who is the one complaining that we are rich???? :lol:

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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  • SRC Member
Update on the LOB on the MV Empress


3rd June - Sailing off in the evening

7th June - Back early morning

The full days diving.

Price: $600

Please let me know as I need to confirm the booking. :thanks:


Too bad I can't go. Have a good trip people!

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  • SRC Member
Update on the LOB on the MV Empress


3rd June - Sailing off in the evening

7th June - Back early morning

The full days diving.

Price: $600

Please let me know as I need to confirm the booking. :thanks:

Er.....going where, ah?

Intelligent people talk about ideas......

Average people talk about things......

Small people talk about other people......

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Destination can be decided later

Malaysia or Indonesia....majority of the votes wins.

Malaysia will be the group of islands from Aur to Tioman

Indonesia wiill be the Anambas group but not the Udang rigs...think it is a waste of time travelling all the way there

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  • SRC Member
Update on the LOB on the MV Empress


3rd June - Sailing off in the evening

7th June - Back early morning

The full days diving.

Price: $600

Please let me know as I need to confirm the booking. :thanks:

Morgan, when do you need to confirm the booking? By April? Some of my friends might want to tag along............will le you know.



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  • SRC Member
Destination can be decided later

Malaysia or Indonesia....majority of the votes wins.

Malaysia will be the group of islands from Aur to Tioman

Indonesia wiill be the Anambas group but not the Udang rigs...think it is a waste of time travelling all the way there

Of course Anambas, lah.... ;) But can do refresher course or not? :lol:

Intelligent people talk about ideas......

Average people talk about things......

Small people talk about other people......

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Prince of wales is abt 50m+ deep... u have trimix or nitrox??? if not, how to go down? :o

Dun even try nitrox at that depth!


Trimix is the correct mixture!

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