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Live Rocks , Red Anemone, Live Stock for Sale


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Got the following for "Giving Up Hobby" Sale.

1. Reksun 1/3Hp Chiller for Sale (good for 4ft tank) - $300

2. 70Kg Live Rocks for sale - $50 for All

3. 1 Yellow Purple Tip Anemone - $5

4. 1 Red Anemone - $20

5. 1 Luminous Yellow Bubble Tip Anemone - $10

6. 2 Eheim 2217 - $50 each

7. 1 Purple Tang - $10

8. 1 Maroon Tomato Clown - $5

9. 1 Bright Red Tomato Clown - $5

10. 1 Small Percula Orange Clown - $1

11. 1 Banner Shrimp (2") - $5

12. Weider SA-2011 Skimmer - $20

13. Eheim Centrifugal Pump 1060 - $20

14. No. 1 Grade Sand for 4 ft tank 3" deep - $40

15 DIY 4ft 2 X 10K + 2 X Acenic Blue CoralSun - $30

16. 2 X Hager Timer - $40

All items Self Collect. No Reservations Please. FCFS.

Please SMS me if you are interested. If you take all at once i will sell cheap (Everything for $400 best). Do not PM me seldom check PM. Hp 9660 1122.




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Got the following for "Giving Up Hobby" Sale.

1. Reksun 1/3Hp Chiller for Sale (good for 4ft tank) - $300

2. 70Kg Live Rocks for sale                                  - $50 for All

3. 1 Yellow Purple Tip Anemone                            - $5

4. 1 Red Anemone                                              - $20

5. 1 Luminous Yellow Bubble Tip Anemone              - $10

6. 2 Eheim 2217                                                  - $50 each

7. 1 Purple Tang                                                  - $10

8. 1 Maroon Tomato Clown                                    - $5

9. 1 Bright Red Tomato Clown                                - $5

10. 1 Small Percula Orange Clown                          - $1

11. 1 Banner Shrimp (2")                                      - $5

12. Weider SA-2011 Skimmer                                - $20

13. Eheim Centrifugal Pump                                  - $20

14. No. 1 Grade Sand for 4 ft tank 3" deep              - $40

15 DIY 4ft 2 X 10K + 2 X Acenic Blue CoralSun        - $30

16. 2 X Hager Timer                                              - $40

All items Self Collect. No Reservations Please. FCFS.

Please SMS me if you are interested. If you take all at once i will sell cheap (Everything for $400 best). Do not PM me seldom check PM. Hp 9660 1122.




Hello Everybody....WOW....so good response until i blur. Anyway just to update. My apologies that i may not have taken all your calls. But here's the updated list. But if you wanna come my place tonite at Queenstown to pick it up somethings ...please call to check what is available. Interested in coming by please SMS me i will give u my address.

1. Reksun 1/3Hp Chiller for Sale (good for 4ft tank) - $300 - Maybe

2. 70Kg Live Rocks for sale - SOLD - Francis

3. 1 Yellow Purple Tip Anemone - $5

4. 1 Red Anemone - SOLD - Francis

5. 1 Luminous Yellow Bubble Tip Anemone - $10

6. 2 Eheim 2217 - SOLD - Mark (i think)

7. 1 Purple Tang 2" - SOLD -

8. 1 Maroon Tomato Clown - $5

9. 1 Bright Red Tomato Clown - $5

10. 1 Small Percula Orange Clown - $1

11. 1 Banner Shrimp (2") - $5

12. Weider SA-2011 Skimmer - $20

13. Eheim Centrifugal Pump 1060 - SOLD -

14. No. 1 Grade Sand for 4 ft tank 3" deep - $40

15 DIY 4ft 2 X 10K + 2 X Acenic Blue CoralSun - $30

16. 2 X Hager Timer (Analog type but fixed with the lights) - $40

17. Coral Frog fragment - $20

18. Coral Green Tip coral - $20

19. 2 X Sea Apple - $10 for both

Thanks for the overwhelming response. Whatever i can't sell today i will post again tomorrow.



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  • SRC Member
Sorry guys, i think the Eheim Cent. Pump is not 1060 BUT 1046.

Sorry about that, my apologies.



if the ehiem pump is not taken, i want... 96520875.. kelvin..

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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