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CoralPlankton and BioPlankton Comments


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First, I wanted to give a sincere appreciation for those that have evaluated our liquid based feeds. I wanted to provide some additional information that can help to better understand our products.

Liquid Life USA is a manufacture of specialty feeds, and currently we operate a small scale finfish hatchery in which we breed gobies and clownfish.

In creating feeds, we operate within some strongly accepted protocols. Plankton feeding, be it live, preserved, or lypholized can have a huge impact in marine aquaria. Liquid Feeds are generally well accepted by corals because as a moist feed they travel well in the water column and have beneficial biofilm coatings. No matter what style of plankton feeds you chose, I highly suggest that you begin a plankton feeding regime in your aquaria. The results speak for themselves.

CoralPlankton is a first of a kind feed. After lengthy testing we decided to base our feed on rotifers. The key indicators of CoralPlanktons success was that our test group reported faster development of new coral polyps per square cm. on Small Polyped corals. Once we asked for more specific feedback on this, reports came in of faster healing time after fragging, and rapid encrusting of surfaces. It is our opinion that improved development occurs from the ingestion of the rotifers as an additional carbon source for the corals. The Pavlova algae was selected because this algae was being used in tridacnid clam culture in the islands.

While CoralPlankton is our latest food, our First food was BioPlankton.

Within the US, BioPlankton has the highest cell count of any retail plankton feed. While we have been encouraged to dilute our product and make the packaging bigger, we have always stuck to our desire to sell professional grade products that are never watered down.

The questions that we have encountered lately center on which food is the right feed for a given application. In short, those that regularly feed BioPlankton will generate a natural source of ZooPlankton. CoralPlankton can be used when Fragging corals, or for young aquaria.

All of our products come with calibrated pumping devices to prevent the overdosing that is common when attempting to measure via capfuls.

Ultimately, we are quite excited about our pipeline of developing products. Should you desire a custom application protocol for you aquaria, please feel free to contact us.

With enthusiasm,

Edward Ramirez

Director of Operations


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