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First 34.5"x19"x24" marine tank


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  • SRC Member

Hi guys,

Finally a tank thread of my own...

Need ur help to tell me if it is normal.. What should i do? Sit back and wait? Lol

Put live sand yesterday and is almost 24hrs.. But it is still very very cloudy... Added filter sock last nite.. But still dun see improvement.


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  • SRC Member

Bro, u using any filter floss to trap the debris?

Or is it flow too strong these are flying sand?

Bought a nylon filter sock yesterday.. Not sure if it is fine enuff. The DC pump is at lvl 1.. Wavemaker off... So dunno wat can be done liao.. Almost 24hrs but no improvement to the clarity.
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  • SRC Member

Bought a nylon filter sock yesterday.. Not sure if it is fine enuff. The DC pump is at lvl 1.. Wavemaker off... So dunno wat can be done liao.. Almost 24hrs but no improvement to the clarity.

Bro, go buy some filter floss to trap all these fine particles, else have to do WC.
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子非鱼,焉知鱼之乐... (you are not the fish so you...)

Then: my 4FT low tech selling off tank... (2006)

Now: (2014)

@Sept 2014

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  • SRC Member

I had similar issue. I used about 16kg of sand and it lasted for about 3 days to settle down ( clear water). Use a filter floss and don't brother to use a filter sock as the fines will slip off once i pull it out for washing. Let the sand settle down as i think you had not done a pre-wash. After tou sand had settled down. Another round of cleaning if DT and slump's glass . You will know what i meant by the time you come to it. Have fun in your journey

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  • SRC Member

I had similar issue. I used about 16kg of sand and it lasted for about 3 days to settle down ( clear water). Use a filter floss and don't brother to use a filter sock as the fines will slip off once i pull it out for washing. Let the sand settle down as i think you had not done a pre-wash. After tou sand had settled down. Another round of cleaning if DT and slump's glass . You will know what i meant by the time you come to it. Have fun in your journey

Thanks bro... I can foresee alot of cleaning to be done.. Right now i cant even see my reactors covered by the water. Lol.
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  • SRC Member

Is there enough flow in the tank? Is the skimmer skimming good? did u mix in the bacteria packet that came with the livesand?

I dare not have heavy flow cos the fine particals doesnt seems to settle after 24hrs.. I off the wavemaker... DC9000 at lvl 1 speed.

Yes.. I did mix the packets in the livesand yesterday when i pour them into the tank of salt mix. Total used are 3packets of caribsea livesand.

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I also used caribsea in fact 100kg of it.. Took only a couple of hours for the sand to settle. Is ur flow rate still at one bar? Probably need to increase it to increase the filtration rate using ur sock or foam

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Increase the flow, blow the unwanted debris out to the sump and filters , don't let them settle back onto the sand ,

The filter socks will sort out the bigger impurities and the skimmer will skim out the finer ones.

Stairway to Heaven

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I also used caribsea in fact 100kg of it.. Took only a couple of hours for the sand to settle. Is ur flow rate still at one bar? Probably need to increase it to increase the filtration rate using ur sock or foam

Yes.. still at lvl 1.. Should increase flow? I was thinking lower flow so tat it wont stir too much which should be able to let the cloudiness settle down.. But apparently it wasnt even after 24hrs... Lol..
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Increase the flow, blow the unwanted debris out to the sump and filters , don't let them settle back onto the sand ,

The filter socks will sort out the bigger impurities and the skimmer will skim out the finer ones.

Thanks! Will stack the skimmer higher and start it later.
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  • SRC Member

Increase the return pump flow too , u need to have bigger water turnover from DT to sump filters. Switch off all FR , u are only getting dirt into them , start only when water clean.

Lol.. I'm doing the opposite.. Duhz.. Will do so later. So only left skimmer on? Hw abt wavemaker?
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