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where can get glass at west area

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  • SRC Member

hi all. sorry to bother u guys again. i recently equipped my rsm 130 with a sump tank. I DIYed my sump partition with acylic plate instead of glass. I glued em on the sump tank and it seems like it's alright at that moment. however, after one month only, the partitions starts to fall off and seems like it is really hard to glue acylic on glass.. so could anyone pls suggest where i can get glass plate as partitions at west area? or any suggestion on how to glue acylic firmly on glass?

really appreciate any thoughts and suggestions. a bit urgent as my sump now have no partitions at all....

i did use search functions of the forum but i think because of my poor searching skill, i cant find any info on that...

mod pls do let me know if i posted in wrong place.

really appreciate it for any kind help.

best regards

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  • SRC Member

When u say glue ... What glue are u using , coz if your using silicone then it should stick there for like forever..

i thot silicone cannot glue acylic and glass together? i used some kind of glue which harden under uv rays..seems likr cannot stand the water..

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It's true that silicon will not adhere to acrylic. For acrylic, it needs solvent based adhesive to melt & bond/fuse the pieces together.

Glass uses silicon adhesive. Hence there is no way to join glass + acrylic securely.

Your best bet is to get a glass panel. It'll be quite cheap. Atlantic Glass at serangoon can cut one for you on the spot. I've also purchased 6mm glass panels from frame makers at Alexandra village.

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Silicone cannot glue acrylic ? Maybe U should try first. There are tanks made of acrylic .

just heard from other bro about that...anyway. ordered some glass panel from AA. tyvm bro for ur suggestion tho!

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  • SRC Member

It's true that silicon will not adhere to acrylic. For acrylic, it needs solvent based adhesive to melt & bond/fuse the pieces together.

Glass uses silicon adhesive. Hence there is no way to join glass + acrylic securely.

Your best bet is to get a glass panel. It'll be quite cheap. Atlantic Glass at serangoon can cut one for you on the spot. I've also purchased 6mm glass panels from frame makers at Alexandra village.

ty bro! thats what i heard also..ordered the glass panel from AA already.

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