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  • SRC Member

Hi, may I know what's the function of a kaki washer and is it necessary to use?

Heard that by using it, corals especially LPS will open big ?


LOL. I really laugh out loud when I saw kaki washer.

Kalwasser is pickle lime. it delivers equal calcium and alkalinity when dosed. usually used thru top off water.

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Hi sis! Yes it is a great product but must be used with caution. Watch YouTube vids on methods. Drip method (after proper mixing) at night when lights are off helps stabilisation of PH as well. From what I understand, this product don't need you to dose additional calcium or alkaline. I dose kalkwasser and trace elements to my tank. Everyone seems happy.

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  • SRC Member

Hi Powder Tang, please be caution when you use it because if you overdose, it will cause rapid increase on your PH to alarming 12dkh in very short time and will wipeout your whole tank. If you have a big tank, the effect will not be so fast thought. I use to dose it together with top up water. Monitoring of PH and your coral for any abnormal symptoms.

Up coming project:

5' x 2.5' x 2.5' Mix Reef Tank

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  • SRC Member

I did not monitor the amount in term of ml, I connect a container with saturated kalkwasser after my ATO. So it will dose according to the evaporation rate of my tank. So far, it always maintain the PH at around 8.1-8.3.

Up coming project:

5' x 2.5' x 2.5' Mix Reef Tank

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If you intend to dose directly into the tank, maybe you can start at a extremely slow drip, as slow as possible. Then monitor your parameter and life stock over a week, if everything fine, then increase a bit. Your limitation will be the PH, if you set your PH limit at 8.4 for example, if the rate that you dose often exceed the limit, you know that it too much as far as PH is concern. Hopefully that help. Any senior have any other opinion, can share? I also would like to learn more in this area as well.

Up coming project:

5' x 2.5' x 2.5' Mix Reef Tank

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